Favorites List (July 2011) Recipe

A favorites list for July 2011. A summertime list of a few things that have caught my attention or inspired me lately.

Favorites List (July 2011)

How about a quick hello, and a favorites list today? I love pulling these together and I hope you'll indulge me a bit. While you're occupied, I'll be in the kitchen diving into a couple new titles I picked up at Omnivore Books the other day - two real gems that I'll likely highlight at some point soon. xo -h

- In yellow, please.

- Cy Twombly | Rome.

- Package-free grocery store.

- Instant Love: Polaroid retreat in Marrakesh

- Keetsa mattress: bought one of these for the guest room.

- Clear eyes. Full hearts.

‪- Pavarotti | Paris | 1965‬

- The new summer issue of Sweet Paul.

- And hoping for a second print run of this.

- The ultimate XL towel (via Sarah at Remodelista)

- These Murakami beach shots.

- This site.

- This watch.

- Teenagers Revive Dead Languages Through Texting (article)

- The boy who inherited rights to Good Night Moon. (article)

- for your sx-70.

- What's in your Kit? series.

- This profile.

- And the clippers from our Little Flower School class.

Promise to be back later in the week with a quick something tasty inspired by a fat sack of summer corn I lugged home yesterday. -h

I took the photo up above at a lovely lunch in St.Helena. We sat at an old farm table on a porch surrounded by vineyards (and chickens!) and good company. Hope to share a number of recipes from this lunch with you at some point.

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thank you for putting the sx-70 case on your favorites list! it was one of our favorite summer projects:) xx EV

ed. varie

Should I be over the cancellation of Friday Night Lights yet? Because I’m just not there. Thanks for the links!

Hungry Sofia

omg kinfolk is amazing! i just became obsessed. thank you so much for posting!


Heidi! Love the lists, lots of fun. Just a suggestion, any way to make the links open a new window after one clicks on them instead of replacing your site and having to use the back button to go on (unless this is my problem with my computer) Happy end of summer!


Love your site, and the photo is out of this world–but $125 for a shopping bag? Sorry, that’s a bit much…


Let’s hope the package-free story has a mandatory hand-washing station at the entrance.


Oooo I love the idea of a packaging-free grocery store! I can imagine bins filled with fresh produce, legumes, spice, etc. It bet it will be beautiful. Wish they had one in Cali!

Erica Julson

Where is the photo taken – a restaurant? And, what are the delicious looking stuffed peppers? I can’t tell what they are, but it looks like something I would love to make or go to the destination to eat them. Thanks so much.

HS: Hi Michele, the shoe was taken at a friends house. On the patio. And those are stuffed zucchini blossoms – ricotta stuffed 🙂


Those beach shots are so unique! Thanks for hand-picking these links.


SO looking forward to the package free store here in Austin!!! 🙂 Love your favorites list…thanks! 🙂


Great list.., thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your new post.
I love ur pic in this post.


I love the picture in this post… its so misty and grainy and gives such a vintage feel to it. You have to share how you took this.

HS: Hi Surekha, thanks! I shot it with my little Fuji medium-format camera, then scanned the film.


Loving up your newest book and so glad to have found this space! My goodness what a wealth of amazing healthful food. Cheers!

Stephinie ~ Gypsy Forest

Love your site, love your recipes but a $125 canvas bag?! Not cool.

Eleonora Kihlberg

Heidi, are you from St. Helena? You’ve mentioned Napa and a few other nearby places in past posts. I grew up there, and it’s just so lovely.


Great post! I love these type of entries as they give so much information. I wish I were there at that table eating all that goodness!

Liz (Simple Italian Cooking)

My Spode plates need a big dinner table just like the one in your photo! I always enjoy your monthly lists.

Muffin Tin

Hi Heidi, I didn’t know how much I needed a baguette bag in my life until now! LOVE. One of my favorite, favorites lists. That top photo is perfection. Happy summer!


I loved the article about “teens saving dying languages through texting.” I love the fact that 1900s teens used Morse code on telegraphs just like teens today use text messaging on cell phones. Hilarious!

Gretchen @ flowercityfoodie.com

I love “What’s in your kit?” feature. And all I know of football I know from Friday Night Lights!

Sophie Delphis

Can’t wait for the St. Helena lunch recipes. Hope we get a package free store in the bay area soon. Thanks Heidi!


Have you seen a copy of Elizabeth David’s Cookbook on English Breads?

Batha Karr

I heard about that store “in.gredients” – I would LOVE to have one of those near me. Hope they expand quickly!


These lists make me swoon. I’m going to scour Kinfolk till my eyes blur and be jealous of Austin till we get our own in.gredients.
And, if you’re taking requests, the recipe for the squash blossoms, please. Like someone said above, I want to jump right into that picture! Beautiful as always!


Hi H love the site but I’m afraid my scottish roots come out when I see a bread bag for $125!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Knew you would love Friday Night Lights!
Texas Forever!

suzann Cahill

Wow that package-free grocery store is so innovative!! I hope that we see them popping up all over the U.S.

Zestful Lou

How about Canal House Cooks? Great pics, great cooks and a daily lunch post to make you jealous.
HS: Agreed! I linked to Canal House a few favorites lists back 🙂

carol mcdonnell

Great list! And what a beautiful photo. It’s so rare to see people going low contrast – it’s just lovely and romantic looking.


My favouite thing on the list is your photo! It’s beautiful, really captures a moment.. and I reaalllllyyyy love the bracelet on the wrist I can see!

jess☆ @ Multicultural Melbourne

LOVE your faves! So happy to see my friend Lisa up there. You need to meet her. She is just as awesome as her work.
Thanks Tracy! Super inspiring indeed.


What a GREAT list! I am having fun checking out each entry…


A hour of pure pleasure spent looking at this list – thanks for a great interlude. Love to you – K
HS: K – you have to come visit. Guest room is waiting, for real. Don’t make me come to Vancouver 🙂 xoxo

Katherine McCartney

Kinfolk is such a lovely, lovely project. I have been enjoying so much. Hoping for a second print, too.


Love your blog – I’m a big fan and constantly mention it to friends and colleagues.
Thought I’d share with you a cookbook I’ve been having a lot of fun in the kitchen with: “Plenty” by Yotam Ottolenghi. Creative recipes with a Middle Eastern twist. Gorgeous photos.
HS: You’re so right Deb, it’s a fantastic book. Yotam was actually here in SF last week, and he’s even better in person 🙂

Deb Janes

I bought the bracelet from a Navajo women from a street market in the town center in Santa Fe a few years ago. It’s one thing that I sort of feel naked without.
And those are actually fried squash blossoms that we picked from the garden at Frog’s Leap for that lunch. It was a really lovely lunch on a gorgeous day in St. Helena!

HS: Thanks Candice, hope we cross paths again soon.


What a great list. Loved the Sweet Paul link!
Just read the story about Goodnight Moon…kinda sad. It starts out charmingly enough, with this little boy inheriting the rights… rather serendipitous. But then this boy turns out to be a ner do well man. Ah, well, such is life.


thanks for the sweet paul link — brilliant site! not as good as your’s though! 🙂
i used to be a bit cold on cy twombly mainly because i didnt’ like the chalk scribbly works. but MOMA (I think) did a retrospective of his career some years back and when you put the chalk drawings in perspective with the rest of his work, he really was one of the major artists of the 20th century. i also saw the trojan war piece at the philadelphia museam which someone else mentioned and really enjoyed “reading” the story there. thanks for the view into his apartment: simply exquisite taste!


Coach Taylor – You are a maker of men. But without Tami, you and the boys wouldn’t be half as interesting. Thank you for posting the link about FNLs. I am continually and happily astonished at the number of passionate devotees to the show. Glad to know you are included, Heidi!


Clear eyes. Full hearts. – I love that!
Reminds me, food wise of –
Panza llena, corazon contento.


Thanks so much for the Friday Night Lights link. I absolutely loved that show. The story lines and the cast were perfect, even though I don’t like football.


i have been LOVING kinfolk! there is so much inspiration and beauty in the pictures, quotes, and articles and i can’t get enough! I’ve definitely been inspired to share more meals with friends, which makes me curious if there would ever be a space on here focusing on ideas for spreads or meals for entertaining. Looking forward to getting a taste of that when you write up the treats from your lunch in the picture.
as always, thanks!


Always love these lists Heidi. Thanks in particular for the link to “What’s in Your Kit?”…that’s new to me and I can’t wait to go through the series 🙂


Thank you for sharing this wonderful information
Heidi, you have a great talent!


Great favourites, thank you….xv
PS Loved the celery salt….this weekend’s plan….

vicki archer

Your favorites list is always one of my favorites but you so rarely, or maybe never, have written about a TV show. Thank you for breaking tradition to write about one of my favorites of all time, I cried buckets when it ended so beautifully but then Riggins has brought me to my knees many times in the past 5 years.


What is that dish in the picture right next to her hand? It looks like some kind of baked cheesy pepper? I think it looks amazing!

Hanah Stiverson

Heidi, what an absolutely GORGEOUS photo, as always. I love the favorites lists, thanks for putting these together!

Kathryn @ Dramatic Pancake

Heidi I am new to your site and just love it. Love the recipes, pictures, and these lists. Great job! I will be back to check out more of your recipes.

Tammy@ Skinny Mom's Kitchen

Heidi I am new to your site and just love it. Love the recipes, pictures, and these lists. Great job! I will be back to check out more of your recipes.

Tammy@ Skinny Mom's Kitchen

Love the photo – it drew me in and evoked a response and I haven’t even read the post yet! St. Helena is one of the most wonderful places to be. It’s beauty and charm are capitvating. Now, on to the reading…


Can’t wait to sleep on that new mattress! See you Saturday and beyond. It’s been too long, my dear friend!


My daughter’s motto:
Work Hard, Finish Strong!


love your lists and everything you post, package free grocery store is brills!


Thank you for making Sweet Paul part of your favorites. What a wonderful site!


I love your blog, and love it even more now knowing that you love Friday Night Lights too! Loooove love love FNL.


Beautiful shot. Gorgeous. I love eating with chickens walking around. We were travelling in Turkey and sat at the foot of the ancient Roman city of Olympos (situated right on the ocean but through a lush jungle off the beach – crazy) at an outdoor restaurant with sand floors and chickens wandering around, eating the best food ever.

Oana from dishchronicles

I’m just a tad in love with your friends bracelet in the foreground of that photo up top! Silver feather?
Always love your lists Heidi. Very inspiring 🙂

Emma Galloway

I love your favorites list and always look forward to them. Coach Taylor – Love him! So sad the show is over.

Deliciously Organic

i LOVE cy twombly! at the philadelphia museum of art, they have a whole room of his trojan war paintings! i go in there everytime i visit the museum(which is fairly frequent) 😉


Hi !
I love your blog and your favorites lists are always amazing. Can’t wait for the your next post..


That photo is FLAWLESS. I could just jump right in!
But then I might grab that bottle of wine out of the girl’s hand and offend someone.
So, I’ll just stay right here.

Bev Weidner

Beautiful lead photo! Your photos always make me wish I was there-especially at this lunch. Can’t wait to see recipes from it.


I love favorites lists! The teenagers texting dead languages story was amazing, and can’t wait for the recipes from the lunch in St Helena.

Sue/the view from great island

Love the baguette bag! So cute.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for the Friday Night Lights link!!!! Just watched the last episode and I already miss that show desperately.


Heidi, this is so much fun – I feast for the eyes and heart. I really enjoyed; thank you!

Kelly at Inspired Edibles

Oh Heidi—-the opening photo is perfection. Toasting a glass of rose to you!


Cy Twombly! Heidi why aren’t we besties?

The Healthy Hipster

I just opened up most of the links you listed…nothing like a little clickfest goin’ on!
i can totally get down with a 1947 Rolex or a retreat in Marrakesh. Ummm yeah. I could “endure” that 🙂

Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga

This is definitely something to bookmark and read through. Thank you so much 🙂


I am in deep love with that faether bracelet! Where is that from?!?!?!


Great list! I especially loved that interior post you linked to, what a chic home!! Thanks for sharing!


It was about this time last year that I watched my first episode of Friday Night Lights, and that’s also about the same time I became obsessed. So incredible! So addicting!
Sigh… and I wish I could own everything J. Crew produces. Fantastic blog, too.
Fantastic and inspiring favorites list as always! I love that first photo…beautiful.


I really wish we had more package free grocery stores here in Sydney too! Thanks for sharing your favourites, Heidi! x

Maria @ Scandifoodie

I love the feature photo and look forward to the recipes to come!


Thank you so much for this list! I love Friday Night Lights too btw 🙂 And I really hope we get a package free grocery store in SF soon!

Anjali Shah

Nice list and I love anything corn. Corn is not doing to well hear on the east coast because of the heat and dry weather. Brutal. The corn is usually amazing.

Laura @ SweetSavoryPlanet

great post and great links! L.O.V.E. that you quoted Coach Taylor!


I would love a package-free grocery store in my town. I hate packaging garbage with a passion.
It sounds like you need a little farmstay vacation. Have you seen this site http://www.farmstayus.com/ ?


I adore your monthly lists. This months newest love from the list is the new Sweet Paul issue. Cheers!


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