Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk

A creamy, fresh homemade strawberry almond milk recipe. It really is as good as it sounds.

Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk

Once you've tasted homemade almond milk it's quite difficult to return to store-bought. From scratch it's fresh, fragrant, and creamy. An added bonus? You're able source your own almonds, which results in a noticeable difference in taste and overall quality. I'm not sure anyone really needs another almond milk primer, but I've been using this homemade strawberry almond milk recipe a couple of times a week now that berries are in season, and it is devastatingly good.

Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk Recipe
Ripe strawberries plus fresh almond milk were made for each other. And that shade of pink? It triggers some deep pleasure-point in my brain reserved for childhood memories of milkshakes and slather-frosted birthday cakes. If you've never attempted to make almond milk - straight or otherwise, this is the tutorial. I use strawberries here, but of course you can trade in blueberries, blackberries, or other favorite seasonal fruit as the seasons progress.

Strawberry Almond Milk: The Process

The general jist is the following: soak almonds, drain and rinse, blend with water and any other ingredients you fancy, strain almond milk from almond solids, chill. There are some considerations within these steps as you're working through the process, particularly when it comes to straining. I'll highlight the different methods you might consider below. For example, a lot of people recommend using cheese cloth, which I just cannot get onboard with, so I'll show you what I prefer.

Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk RecipeHomemade Strawberry Almond Milk RecipeHomemade Strawberry Almond Milk Recipe

Above: soaking almonds, preferably overnight / pre-blend / post-blend

Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk Recipe Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk Recipe

How to Strain: The Options

You have a couple of options when I comes to straining. I've found the best method usually depends on the type (or power) of your blender. My goal - speed, and the least amount of mess and clean-up. If you have a high-power blender, one that is going to puree and emulsify the almonds into oblivion - (which is great, btw), buy a sturdy, large tea/infusion bag (photo above). You will never, ever go back to cheesecloth. Fill the bag, twist and squeeze the almond milk into a bowl. Alternately, and I've found this works best with almonds that have been processed in older blenders, or ones that don't quite break up the almonds into nano-bits - use a large French press. It's a dream.(below)

Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk RecipeHomemade Strawberry Almond Milk Recipe

You can use the almond solids along with muesli or granola, or in cookie batters, pie crusts, or crisp toppings, and the like. Enjoy!

More Strawberry Recipes

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Homemade Strawberry Almond Milk

5 from 5 votes

You can use frozen strawberries when fresh aren't in season.

  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • filtered water
  • maple syrup, 1 pitted date, drops of stevia, (or to taste)
  • generous pinch of sea salt
  • 15 ripe strawberries, hulled
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond or vanilla extract
  • special equipment: large cloth tea bag, sieve, or French press
  1. Soak the almonds in filtered water for at least an hour, or, preferably, overnight. Drain and rinse. 

  2. Blend the almonds with 3 1/4 cups filtered water, the maple syrup, salt, strawberries, and extract, until smooth. Transfer to tea bag (or preferred straining method), and strain. Twist and squeeze as much almond milk as possible from the bag. You should have a dry-ish almond meal in the bag when you're done, as well as silky smooth strawberry almond milk. Transfer to a jar and refrigerate.

Prep Time
1 hr
Total Time
1 hr
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I tried this recipe yesterday, it tasted like smoothie. My child love it so much. Hope to see more recipes from you <35 stars

Ernie Nguyen

Do you have any tips on what to do with all the almond pulp? Also, do you typically add a date if you want to make “unsweetened ” almond milk? I’ve been using just almonds and water but I do not love the taste.

Tracy Kardon

This is heavenly! It was simply incredible! I utilized a nut drain pack that I regularly use for my better half’s cool blended espresso, and it turned out flawlessly. Thanks for shearing.

Ronda Vogel

Hi Heidi! Great recipe. Can you please post a link to where you buy that tea bag. Thanks!


Hey! Lovely recipe. I’m seconding the request for an almond meal recipe to accompany this one! Or even if not a recipe, suggestions on what to do with the leftover almond meal?

HS: Hi Arundhati – I’m thinking that this topic deserves a post unto itself….if you have a dehydrator, you can dry it, and then grind it into an almond flour, and use it from there.


Where can I find a large infused bag? I tried Teavana, William-Sonoma and Sur La Table.

Hi Stephanie – keep an eye out for something along these lines.


This is delicious! I have never made almond milk before, but I will be making this over and over. It was just great! I used a nut milk bag that I typically use for my husband’s cold brewed coffee, and it came out perfectly.


I made this over the weekend and it was so good! Reading the other posts I wish I’d kept the pulp from the almonds – guess I’ll have to make more. Do you ever make this with other fruits?


and do you throw the tea cloth out afterward or use over and over? and why does it trump the cheesecloth… just curious.

HS: Hi Suzi – I give it a good wash, and hang dry, and it’s ready to use the next day.


if i use a french press (which im pretty bananas about since ive made my family put up gritty almond milk for years.. i just could never bring myself to buy a nut milk bag either i guess, felt too messy and extraneous a thing to me and didnt want to feel the weight of the almond pulp if you know what i mean), but as far as the french press goes– im worried the milk will taste like… coffee. yes? no? or do you reserve one press just for milk? anyway. you’re seriously the greatest. thanks for being on the other end of this. i never had a mom teach me to cook. we grew up on beefaroni. and so, im sure im no the only one whose claimed you as their kitchen mother!


I haven’t thought about strawberry milk since an unfortunate encounter with the artificial powdered mix as a kid, but fresh homemade strawberry almond milk–oh man–want!


The one time I tried to make almond milk it ended up pretty mediocre. I think that I just didn’t source the almonds very well. I’ll have to try almond milk again, and add in some strawberries this time. That color is nostalgia in a glass.


This looks so pretty and gentle. Store-bought almond milk has always seemed kind of bland to me – I haven’t tried making my own, but I just know homemade would be so much better! And with strawberry flavour as well? Awesome!

leaf (the indolent cook)

Wow! Love this recipe and cannot wait to make it! I was just out side working in the garden and was craving a strawberry almond milk shake and wondering what that would be like instead of using cow milk…. came into make one and here I found your post! Tis the season! I am a big fan of your 101 cookbooks blog! I see you have written a cookbook. Looks fantastic! Thank You for all of your hard work creating this beautiful blog!


I don’t have a nut bag (Alexandra: totally the dirtiest kitchen implement name!), so I drape a handkerchief over a strainer, and then wrap up the solids, twist, and squeeze the same way those with a nut bag do it.


I so agree, homemade almond milk is amazing and there is no match! I love the idea of using those gorgeous strawberries right now!

Abby @ Heart of a Baker

I have found that homemade almond milk seems to go bad very quickly, within two or three days. Is this normal or could I be doing something differently?

HS: Hi Sasha – hmm. Filtered water and a cold refrigerator are the solution for me, and we usually drink it w/in a day or two. I know people who keep it longer though…not sure I’m much help here, apologies!


Wow, the French press idea is genius!
I usually use nylon bags, but will be trying this technique the next time I make nut milk 🙂


We use almond milk all the time (store bought) but have wanted to try making my own. Now I will certainly be shopping for almonds and strawberries on my next trip to the store. I can’t wait to try the recipe!


Hi Heidi, I’m allergic to raw almonds. Can I make this recipe with roasted almonds?

Hi Kristyna – It might be a bit strange 😐 An alternate might be cashews?


This looks delicious! I’ve made almond milk one time, but it wasn’t great. I’m excited to try again with the right tools. I haven’t heard of that kind of bag. I’ll check it out!


I must make. That shade of pink will win my daughter over to almond milk.

Sina / the kosher spoon

Hello! Love your recipes, always a flavorful success! What is the best way to store the almond meal/solids if you aren’t going to use them right away? Thanks!!

HS: Hi Courtney – pop them in the freezer. 🙂


Hi Heidi, I live in SF too, since you said the beauty of it is in sourcing your own almonds-where are you getting your almonds? Any tips? Thanks so much.
HS: Hi Marcia! I like to buy the raw almonds from Massa Organics at the Saturday CUESA market, I also love their brown rice. 🙂

Marcia Lusk

If using a tea infuser bag or nut milk bag, do they just have to be rinsed out with plain water? Also, I buy organic almonds in small packages for snacking or recipes and would like to know the best almonds to buy that are organic and economical. If I am going to make almond milk often I most likely would have to buy in larger quantities.


I started making my own almond milk a few months ago when I discovered xanthan gum (which is an ingredient in just about every packaged nut milk) does not agree with me. And I’m so happy I made the switch to homemade, so much fresher tasting and flavorful with the simplest of ingredients. I’m going to try your strawberry version, it looks so good and I know my kids (and me too!) are going to love it.
As far as straining methods, I’ve tried using my coffee maker gold filter and my french press, the gold filter worked but took forever and the french press for me at least was a total fail, I finally bought a hemp cloth nut bag and it is by far the easiest and quickest method for me. And I love to oven dry the pulp and use it for mixed nut butters, brownie, cookie and muffin batters in place of almond meal.

Jen @ sweetgreenkitchen.com

A french press. What a great idea! And you’re right, store-bought almond milk just doesn’t compare to homemade. I’ve been making strawberry milk for chia pudding lately but end up drinking the milk. Love that you add almond extract to your milk – must remember that!

Katie @ Whole Nourishment

Heidi! Thanks for this gorgeous recipe! I’ve been trying to make homemade almond butter… could you share a recipe or some insights? Like a post-script to the homemade almond milk 🙂 Somehow, nut butters feel more intimidating.


I make almond milk every week, but this is such an interesting spin on it! Would you say the fridge life should be about the same, even with the addition of strawberries?


If you can post some recipes for the almond meal that would be great. I have lots of it and haven’t found any recipe yet that turns out delicious. Mixing almond meal into chopped nut toppings works but I have lots and lots of the stuff frozen. NO IDEA what to do with it. I’ve actually started tossing it out. Sort of hate to do that…Much appreciated.


I’m going to give this a try, but I only have an immersion blender and a juicer. Do you think a juicer could do the trick? I think my immersion blender might not be too happy…


Great tip using the French Press. I have a super powerful blender and the ubiquitous nut milk bag but great advice for friends.


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