Poached Eggs in White Wine

Eggs poached in white wine peppered with minced shallots and herbs. A simple twist that immediately transformed the humble poached egg into something just a hint special and unexpected. Served over smashed avocado on toasted bread.

Poached Eggs in White Wine

I find myself poaching eggs two or three times a week. And, I know it seems obvious, but I sometimes need a nudge to poach them in something other than water. All sorts of broths and infusions are fair game, it's funny that I don't branch out more often. These, for example, were eggs poached in white wine accented with minced shallots and herbs. A simple twist that immediately transformed the humble poached egg into something just a hint special and unexpected. The nudge came from a tiny cookery volume titled The Flavors of France Volume II, published by Hastings House in 1964. Often, before I leave on a trip, I find myself cooking from cookbooks related to my pending destination, and I picked up this little gem in a thrift store in Napa, California years ago. It charmingly juxtaposes French regional architectural photos with regional recipes. This was a twist on an Oeufs Poches au Vin Rouge recipe, that I tweaked to my liking - using white wine, simplifying the instructions, and serving it open-faced on toasted bread.

Poached Eggs in White WinePoached Eggs in White Wine

Depending on the size of your pan, it's a shallow poach. You use the remaining poaching liquid to fashion a quick sauce after the eggs have set.

Poached Eggs in White WinePoached Eggs in White Wine

Making my way back from France - in the meantime, I'm imagining you might enjoy these not just on bread, but also, on top of a fall root vegetable gratin, or a chunky potato stew, or alongside a robust kale salad.....xo -h

Give this a try! Other favorite egg recipes include: deviled eggs, egg salad sandwich, this frittata, and pickled turmeric eggs.

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Poached Eggs in White Wine

Use a white wine here that you wouldn't mind drinking the remainder of.

1 cup dry white wine
1 cup water
2 shallots, minced
1 bay leaf
a pinch of thyme
1/4 teaspoon fine grain sea salt
2-4 large eggs

1 tablespoon butter, room temperature
2 teaspoons flour

to serve: toasted bread, avocado, chives

In a large skillet or saucepan over medium-high heat combine the wine, water, shallots, bay leaf, thyme, and salt. Boil for five minutes. Dial back the heat a bit, before carefully cracking eggs into the skillet (you can crack each egg into a separate small bowl, and then transfer, if you're not comfortable going direct to the skillet). Cover and simmer for another five minutes or so - until the eggs whites are opaque, and the yolks are set to your liking. Once poached, remove the eggs with a slotted spoon from the skillet and set aside. Cook the liquid in the pan down a bit more, until you have about 1/2 cup of liquid left, then strain the liquid into a small saucepan. Whisk the butter and flour into a paste, then add this to the strained sauce, stirring until smooth, taste and add a bit of salt if needed.

Serve each egg on a piece of toast over a bit of smashed avocado, drizzled with a bit of sauce, and sprinkled with chives.

Serves 2-4.

Prep time: 5 minutes

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I think this is my dinner this evening, thanks! Does the white wine help the egg hold together in the same way vinegar does?


You must dream at night to come up with all these awe inspiring dishes! They all have so much eye appeal. Can’t wait to try preparing eggs this way. By the way, I love the plate you served the eggs on. Can you tell me where you purchased it or the brand or any other information?

HS: Hi Diane – they were a flea market find, and so old the marks have rubbed off!

Diane Yip

For years my husband has been frying eggs in butter, then splashing with wine at the finish, sprinkling parmesan and putting a lid on it for a minute. It is delicious, so it never occurred to us to go to the straight poach. We will try this gentler approach.


I made this tonight and served it over leftover black rice with avocado on the side. It was delicious and so simple. I added tarragon instead of chives and thickened the sauce with arrowroot. Didn’t strain it because the shallot added nice texture. Thank you Heidi!

Katie @ Whole Nourishment

Heidi, I recently changed my diet to plant based. it is definitely challenging and I find that eliminating eggs and oil is the most difficult part in this process. Have you tried some plant-based recipes that you truly enjoy? thanks for your help. M

HS: Hi M – there might be some ideas that sound good to you in the archives. I have a bunch of vegan recipes you might enjoy?


One question; How do I keep the eggs from cooling while making the sauce? I don’t want to overcook them.

Frederic Harrison

Your blog has always delicious stuff, thanks for sharing this with us! Cheers!

Alexandre Raymundo

I would never in a million years have thought to do this – despite following dozens of food blogs, constantly picking up foodie magazines and recipe books from the library, this is the first time I have ever come across the suggestion to poach eggs in anything other than water (though now it seems rather an obvious thing to do!). Now, to pick up a bottle of white…


For the last 10 years I have been keeping poultry. Nothing beats a home grown egg.
I’m on a very restrictive diet but one thing I love to do is either poach or fry an egg (in sheep butter omg) until the white has just barely set. Then on it goes on top of a simple green salad with lemon juice and a touch of salt.
The egg(s) act as a thick delicious salad dressing and the dish as a whole has big chunks of eggy goodness. It is also a delicious and fast (prep time) way to get in a pile of greens and protein.
Very addictive and I thank my girls everytime!.


Sauteed broccoli rabe this morning in olive oil and plenty of garlic and then used the “juice” to poach my morning eggs! Thanks for the inspiration..


These are beautiful and add such class to the poached egg (already classier than the over easy).

The Gilded Sprout

I made this dish tonight, but with red wine rather than white, since that’s what I had, and purple onion rather than scallion. It was fabulous that way too! I put a bed of sauteed greens between the eggs and the bread. Thanks so much for your fabulous recipes.


Another lovely and elegant recipe. This looks wonderful, especially when served on top of crisp bread and avocado!

Christina @ The Beautiful Balance

Thanks for the nudge! I am terrified of making eggs, any way: fried, poached, scrambled. I can do frittata and souffle, but just straight up egg freaks me out because I feel like there is little room for error. I like straight-up eggs just right and only just right, so feel the pressure when trying to do them myself. Recently watched “The Women on the 6th floor” and totally identified with the patron who wanted his eggs boiled for 3 min and 45 sec (or something along those lines). Poached eggs for breakfast!!!


I want eggs like this one for my breakfast please ! 😉


The eggs on the plate look quite different from the eggs on top of the toast (the former look almost fried, I think, and the latter definitely poached). Is this because they have time to set in between, or because the poaching pan is quite shallow? I’m just curious as I certainly love poached eggs. I haven’t poached eggs in wine, but I do love shakshuka. Looking forward to trying this and Bon Voyage!

HS: The same eggs Sasha – and yes, the spread is from the shallow poach.


Once I’m not pregnato I am in, under and all over this. Bam.

Bev @ Bev Cooks

Brilliant! Opens up the door to all sorts of other poaching liquids, am already imagining poaching eggs in a smoky tea…

diary of a tomato

My husband’s Calabrian grandfather taught him to make “Rutalaqua” (dialect for “broken in the water”). The water is seasoned with crushed garlic and whatever herbs or condiments you like: parsley, a dollop of homemade marinara, even salsa or mustard. Served with crusty Italian or WW bread, or for something lighter, arugula. YUM! We’ve done the avocado, too: really rich. I’ve always thought restaurants would clean up with this dish, but no one seems to have caught on.


Thank you so much for this idea. Being a poached egg fan this is a must try and a must try very soon! Pinned.

Lea Ann (Cooking On The Ranch)

i just made this for breakfast…it was heavenly and super savory and delicious. thanks for this recipe!


Can’t wait to try. Question: how much time will it take (approximately) to get the cooking liquid to 1/2 cup? Thanks!

HS: Hi PJ – just a few minutes.


I could eat poached eggs everyday. These would make them extra special.

Magnolia Verandah

Heidi – You come up with such unique and special flavors using some pretty simple, everyday approaches, which makes it that much more special. This I will absolutely be making! Thanks!

Katie @ Whole Nourishment

I have never ever thought to poach my eggs in anything besides water. Even though I am crazy about poached eggs, I often get bored of the same old same old, this would be a great change up to add in a little pizazz!

Nicole ~ Cooking for Keeps

I haven’t been here in a while. Almost felt teary, like visiting an old friend. So silly. This recipe looks simple and perfect. I can’t eat avocado but your suggestions of other potential combinations are inspiring.


How have I never even thought of poaching eggs in anything other than water?! I can’t wait to try this!!

Lindsey | The Next Course

Love this recipe – nice way to take regular poached eggs to the next level!


That is one beautiful plate of food. 🙂 I never got the hang of poaching eggs, but now I’m thinking I should give it another try, because these sound super simple & delicious.


Poaching in wine sounds so special. I especially love the way they poach eggs on cruise ships. They are so pretty and poached perfectly.

Gloria E.

That is beautiful and clever – turns the homely poached egg into a classy brunch!
Thanks Heidi!


wow wow wow pass me the plate must try this


Hi Heidi, this is just a general query: When I read past recipes, I often find myself wishing that there could be more feedback from readers about their experience with the recipe. It seems like the comments section is closed fairly soon after each recipe is posted — have you considered keeping it open longer? As it currently stands, most of the comments tend toward “I hope to make this” rather than “I have made it, and this is my feedback.” Thank you!

HS: Hi Ruth! Thanks for the feedback – I try to keep the comments open for a few weeks after I post, beyond that, the spam comments (which I have to clean out on the back end) get over-whelming.


Why do you strain the poaching liquid into a saucepan before making the sauce? Seems like it would save on dishwashing to just cook it in the same pan you poached in.

HS: I think you could Christina – my sense is they were traditionally after a silky smooth, velvety sauce (with no eggy bits)…


A very timely recipe. I have too many free range eggs at present, thanks to my chickens. A lovely French sauce – could be a good lunch.


Oh my, this sounds delicious & never would’ve been obvious to me! I am also admiring your chive blossoms. I love their flavor (& color) with eggs.


Champagne, Vermouth or Sake also work well


I absolutely adore poached eggs, but I’ve always wondered who thought up putting these exquisite bundles of white and gold, into a bath of water and vinegar…blah and bleh ! ! !
Instead, I’ve found a perfect marriage of cow and chicken that’s anything but “meh”.
Poach those babies in a rich and soothing broth of cream or half-and-half. Throw in a favorite herb just pinched from your kitchen window garden… lovingly sprinkle on a grating of your favorite Manchego, or Cheddar, Swiss or Gorgonzola…whatever cheese you adore of the moment. Slide that creamy dreaminess into a bowl when its been poached to your liking, and if you like, you can nestle all this in your bowl, over a crisply toasted English Muffin.
MMM…..MMM….good ! ! !


Love the simplicity of egg + avocado and it’s funny how much a simple twist can do. Gorgeous. Must try : )

Salvegging @ salvegging.blogspot.com

My first time commenting, although I have been reading and cooking for ages! This has to be a concept that will work in SO many ways. Poached eggs are my favorite ( as is wine!) so it seems a “no-brainer”, but so many of us seem never to have thought of it. Thank you for what promises to be a favorite meal option. Can’t wait to try this!!!!!!

Lauren Yarema

This sounds delicious. I must try!

Norma | Allspice and Nutmeg

oh my! It’s so simple but… sooo delicious.
Beautiful pics!


Hi Heidi -quick clarification on the instructions? Do you actually crack the egg into the skillet, or do you first crack them into a bowl and then slip them into the skillet (your pix indicate the latter)? I’ve found with poaching that I have more control if I first crack the eggs into a bowl and then pour them into the water. But that’s me – my poaching skills leave a lot to be desired! The eggs and avocado look wonderful.

HS: Either way J – in fact, I sometimes crack them into little bowls, and then into the pan, other times – straight in.


My kind of breakkie! Thinking of wine as water has endless possibilities. I really enjoy cooking pasta in wine, with just enough to disappear altogether when the pasta finishes cooking.


Hi Heidi -quick clarification on the instructions? Do you actually crack the egg into the skillet, or do you first crack them into a bowl and then slip them into the skillet (your pix indicate the latter)?
I’ve found with poaching that I have more control if I first crack the eggs into a bowl and then pour them into the water. But that’s me – my poaching skills leave a lot to be desired! The eggs and avocado look wonderful.


beautiful picture. so simple and delicious sounding….

Alison McQuade

I love eggs so much, I could eat them off an old army boot.
So there’s no question I would enjoy your eggs poached in wine.


Love me some poached eggs! In fact, I can eat them any time of the day. Going to have to branch out and try something other than the usual water and white vinegar poaching liquid! Lovely poached eggs you have here!
Bon appetite!

Ryan Boudreaux

I love eggs and I am looking forward to making this. Seems like so many of your recipes recently I have just LOVED: Turmeric tea, Miso sesame winter squash, Roasted Squash, chile and mozzarella salad – just great and surprisingly good flavor combinations. Plus, I just love fall and all it’s vegetables. We also love TLTs, and Orange glazed tempeh: they have become a part of our dinner repertoire. Thank you, Heidi!


I’ve been regularly enjoying a fried egg on top of a heap of carmelized onions and winter root vegetables for the past few weeks. Maybe it’s time to switch things up and give poaching a go.

Catherine @ Chocolate & Vegetables

As a farm boy, I grew up eating poached eggs, not only for breakfast. They were always “fun”, delicious, and fresh. Admittedly, none as lovely looking as in your post, however! Beautifully done.

Dan from Platter Talk

Strangely enough I have seen eggs poached in red wine but never in white wine. The avocados underneath are the figurative “cherry on top” though (even though they are on the bottom).

Mallory @ Because I Like Chocolate

I think you have us all asking why we have been holding back our poached egg possibilities for so long. The options are endless, and I love your white wine and shallot twist. Hoping to go to France soon myself–I think I need a big plate of these while I trip plan!

Erin | The Law Student's WIfe

Okay, you had me a poached egg, another dish that I want to learn to tackle. This sounds amazing, and I am very interesting in continuing to learn more about your travels. I wish I could travel and learn more about food around the world. This recipe sounds delicious and I would have never really thought about trying to do this in anything but water. Great call 🙂

Kristin Nicole

what a great idea! I never thought to do this with poached eggs!

Simply Life

i JUST had this dish in the burgundy region of france last month… and i was wondering how to make it! thank you so much for this… i can’t wait to try it out!

Jessica (bakecetera)

Poached eggs are my favorite, and I’ve never tried doing it in wine! Sounds absolutely delicious, especially with that avocado toast.

Marie @ Little Kitchie

I love poached eggs so much, and this recipe looks fabulous! Lovely idea!

Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar

You have a way of making the simplest foods look stunning and elegant, Heidi! Gorgeous eggs!

Averie @ Averie Cooks

I am so intrigued by this recipe. That egg would look so good on a simple oil dressed pasta dish. I hope you are getting plenty of R&R in between your travels.
Stunning photos!

Belinda @themoonblushbaker

Oh, my! These look absolutely too delicious for words. You just made me more hungry than I already am!
And if I wasn’t on my way to the gym in like 15 mins I wouldn’t mind drinking the wine either 😉
Saving this idea for tonight…

Sonja {Dagmar's Kitchen}

I love eggs and avocado on toast. These look heavenly. Do you find that they taste quite rich when they are poached in wine?

HS: Hi Skye, I wouldn’t say they taste rich – they’re interesting, vibrant, unexpected, not heavy or overly decadent…


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