A Few Updates… Recipe
Hi there everyone, I thought I'd write a little note to highlight a few things related to 101 Cookbooks - a bit of news, a couple new features, and just a general heads-up and hello. There have been some tweaks and changes on the site over the past few weeks, nothing too major on the front-end, but I thought I'd call a few things out in case you haven't noticed, or if you are new to the site (welcome!)...
Kiva + 101 Cookbooks = $32,000+! I'll start off with one of my favorite bits of news. Our Kiva Lending team is doing amazingly well. Remember when I set up the team back in September? Well, since then, as a group, we've made 1105 micro-loans to entrepreneurs all over the world - Ghana, Uganda, Vietnam, Peru, Mongolia, and Moldovia, just to name a few. We've cracked the $30,000 mark and are well on our way to $40k. It makes me feel really, really proud - thank you to those of you who have participated so generously over the past months. I should mention, if you haven't logged into Kiva in a while be sure to do so - you might have some Kiva credit from loans that have been repaid - and you can reinvest that capital. And for those of you who might be new to 101 Cookbooks, or don't know what I'm talking about - you can read more about our lending team here .
Get notified when I post a new recipe: Many of you like to be updated via email when I update 101 Cookbooks - no problem. I'm also happy to ping you via Twitter or Facebook. Or all three if you fancy. There is a new little "stay connected" list in the upper left-hand column on every page of the site - you can choose from that list.
Keep uploading your photos to Flickr!: I've set up a 101 Cookbooks group on Flickr, please feel free to join the group. I've noticed that a lot of people cook recipes from this site, and then tag those photos on Flickr then forget to submit the photos to our group. I feel kind of dorky going around asking people to submit to the group (maybe there was a reason you didn't want to share your photo?), but you're all invited - don't be shy! Few things make happier than seeing your 101 cooking adventures show up on Flickr.
Print with Photo: A number of you wanted to be able to print out recipes with the lead photo included. You can find that link at the base of each recipe for now. I might move it (since very few of you actually print with photo), but for now that's where you can find it.
And lastly, a few things that are in the works...
As of last weekend 101 Cookbooks is finally on a current version of Movable Type - thank you Wayne! I'm hoping to dive in and make some interface and usability improvements on the site in the coming weeks. Nothing too dramatic, but some spring cleaning is in order.
Oh, and I promise - I'm working on a list of San Francisco favorites for all of you who have asked for that. One of my favorite places is the botanical garden at Golden Gate Park. I took the lead photo there the other afternoon. This is a cropped version of the shot, but you can see the full version here if you're interested. -h
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I would so love to see your San Francisco favorites! My husband and I are planning a trip from London for the beginning of October — I adore your site and would love to hear your perspective on your city.
Oh thank you thank you for the pics of the recipe that you include, now. It is awesome for helping a daughter to learn cooking. I’m starting early with my grandson. Garrett is 2 1/2 and loves to help stir, drop handsfull of shredded veggies, and lick the beaters. It really improves his attention span and expands his ideas of what he will eat. If he helps make it, he eats it!
I’ve been enjoying your site for about five months now and my cooking has greatly improved. Just wanted to say the cherry cobbler is now a weekend staple in our house. I can’t wait to see how it turns out with fall fruits.
I also wanted to mention that the pits are quite useful. You can make a cherry pit sack with clean pits. Soak them in vinegar until the little fruit bits are gone and rinse. Sew a little circle or rectangle out of cotton cloth leaving an opening to fill with the pits and sew closed. You can warm this sack in the oven or in the microwave… or pop it in the freezer if you need a cold pack. I use this instead of a weird blue cold pack or a hot water bottle. It’s free and fun to make. Just thought that with cherries in season those looking for ideas might just stumble on a neat tip.
Thank you for sharing all your very tasty recipes, and thanks for your excellent site, you make it easy for us to enjoy it.
I will be visiting the bay area in June. A list of San Francisco favorites would be wonderful!
So excited to receive my Whole Foods e-newsletter and find a link to one of your recipes! Congrats!
What a great cause – count me in!
great stuff! so looking forward to your san francisco list – and deeply hoping it will be ever so soon, as i have a vacation planned for june!
Hi Heidi! I love your site (though admittedly I rarely comment) and will definitely have to look into Kiva more, it sounds really exciting.
Also, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I use Google Reader to subscribe to your RSS feed, and your past few entries (everything since the asparagus stir-fry) have shown up twice for me. Maybe this has something to do with the new MT version? I wonder if anyone else is experiencing the same thing…
Heidi, I can’t wait to see your list of San Francisco favorites. The botanical garden is one of my favorite places, too. I live only a few blocks away and nothing is more pleasant than strolling through the different areas.
Heidi, I can’t wait to see your list of San Francisco favourites. I’ll be visiting SF this summer and am really excited about finding some great markets, restaurants, and parks.
Love the site and recipes–what brand/type of vegetable broth do you use? I recently tried the Imagine and Pacific brands and was disappointed. Thought you might have a better suggestion and thanks again.
HS: Hi Paige, I quite like the Rapunzel bouillon cubes, I buy the regular with sea salt.
A little off topic, but I’ve loved your site and the community that reads it. I’m considering a solo vacation to the San Francisco area and am wondering if anyone here knows of a great place to take a recreational cooking class or two while I’m there? Or, are there are desitnations anyone recommends for a cooking holiday? Thanks!
Thanks, your site is awesome and Kiva rocks.
That is absolutely brilliant. I am joining Kiva today. To be honest, I had never heard of it. And thanks for your excellent site.
That is fantastic about the Kiva team!!
Thanks Heidi for organizing us all together to make such a difference! It’s a great feeling to know that we have helped out over a thousand people!!!
fantastic! super congrats on the microloans biznass. that is really great. the site looks awesome! i love your layout and everything.
Congrats to the Kiva team!
I like to print with photo–glad to see this option!!
As a member of the 101 Cookbooks KIVA team, it feels great knowing that you can make a difference.
Also, looking forward to your SF favorites…having just moved here I am chomping at the bit to learn your favorite farmer markets, restaurants, etc
Thanks again for everything
*gasp* HOW can anyone NOT want your gorgeous photos included with recipes!? Thank you again for sharing all your fabulous recipes, techniques and suggestions!
HS: Hi Trish, I think that many people don’t have color printers, so they don’t want to waste the extra paper when they go to print.
Congratulations on your Kiva success! And all the wonderful updates. . . you make it easy for us to enjoy the site!
whoo for the new Movable Type! It looks great. 🙂
Oh, I didn’t know until today that you were a KIVA supporter, too! I took a class last winter, and we raised some money and took a vote on what to do with it – anything from a party for ourselves to Christmas presents for children, etc. – and I suggested KIVA. The class voted half the money raised to KIVA, and I have been doing the loaning (and re-loaning) of the money donated since January. Already, some of the people have paid back 50% of their loans – and each time I hear of a loan re-payment, I go immediately and re-loan it. KIVA is a wonderful organization! Of course, our loans aren’t on the same scale as yours, but every little bit helps!
Love your site Heidi, you’ve made a huge difference in my life , in the last six years I’ve gone from 235 to 135 lbs ,some of which is due to your cooking inspiration, thank you.
HS: What a amazing accomplishment Dan. I’m so happy to hear you’ve been able to gather some inspiration from the site. Here’s to your continued success.
Congratulations on the Kiva project. I have no doubt your efforts will change the world. I love todays photo! Truth is, I love all your photos. The garden at the park is one of my favorite places as well.
That’s great news about the Kiva team!
Great news about the Kiva team and I love that now you can print the pictures along with the recipes too! The site looks great!
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