A First Look
A first glimpse at the new cookbook I'm working on.

There are a number of reasons I love working on books. I love being able to live with recipes and images for months, or even years. Something about revisiting and working on them over time just feels right. I love taking photographs for print. I enjoy the collaborative process of working on a book. I love holding a finished book in my hands...there are a lot of reasons.
I'm sitting here looking at a document dated December 18, 2005, it is my author agreement with Ten Speed Press for Super Natural Cooking. I don't know how four years passed so quickly, but it has. I delivered the manuscript and photography in August 2006, the book was published the following spring. I loved working on that book. And now, looking back on it, I'm realizing I sort of never stopped.
Not long after submitting the manuscript for Super Natural Cooking, I started setting aside photos I loved, and continued to keep notebooks of my favorite recipes, ideas, and inspirations. I wasn't sure what I would do with them, or what would emerge over time, but I had a hunch something might. Or not. Either way, I don't like the idea of rushing these sorts of things. I've come to believe you can't really rush inspiration, it comes on its own schedule, emerging and intersecting my life when it sees fit. I just try to keep my eyes open.
Keeping it local: Aaron Wehner, now publisher of Ten Speed Press, also happens to be a friend and neighbor. It's nice to be able to casually throw ideas around with him at the playground in the park across from my house, or over coffee up the block. I suspected (and hoped) that if I was going to work on another book, it would be with Ten Speed. They're located in Berkeley, and there's nothing quite like being able to share font inspirations with your designer face to face, or hang out with your editor over lunch or drinks. I've been very fortunate in that regard.
Now, there's a big difference between thinking about a book, and turning an idea into an actual book. I'm not sure if it is like this for everyone, but speaking for myself, committing to a book project is both exciting and terrifying. There was a point last year when my excitement about the prospect of making a new book tipped the balance away from terrified, and I started attempting to wrangle things into something real and cohesive. Something I was excited to share.
A new cookbook: I'm working on one :) I'll submit the manuscript and photography to Ten Speed this summer, and it will be published in spring 2011. It will be a follow up to Super Natural Cooking, and the working title is Super Natural Every Day. In short, it's a glimpse into my everyday cooking and everyday life. All new recipes, all new photography. In equation form: Me + Northern California + cooking with natural foods + my kitchen in San Francisco = Super Natural Every Day.
The recipes: The recipes are rooted in whole and natural foods. They typically feature a handful of seasonal ingredients, some inkling of nutritional balance, and most come together with minimal effort. At times it's tough, but I've resisted the urge to include any over-the-top, special-occasion creations. I also skipped any that had lots of components, or required elaborate time commitments. Instead, I went back to my notebooks and have anchored the book in my favorite everyday creations. The recipes I revisit over and over.
There is so much more I'd like to tell you about it, so much I'm excited to share. I was thinking I might write a series of posts focused on the creative process of making this book if you're interested? I was thinking: photography; the manuscript; the design process; inspiration; the recipes....? Let me know what you think.
And most importantly, this post wouldn't be complete without a heartfelt thank you to all of you who embraced Super Natural Cooking. Simply stated, without your support, I wouldn't be working on another book.
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Wow, how wonderful. I love your blog so very much!! Thanks for being so inspiring!!
I love the idea of a series of posts dedicated to your creative process. bring it on!
I’m new to your site – it’s beautiful! I’d love a look into your creative process – how exciting..I’ll check back….
After being a 101 Cookbooks devotee, I finally bought your book several weeks ago and absolutely love it. As much as I enjoy your blog – you’re absolutely right about holding a book in your hands, or seeing it live on the shelf and pulling it down for inspiration. Your book has made my kitchen even happier than it already is. Thank you! And I can’t wait to buy your next one. (And the one after that!) 🙂
Heidi, Congratulations, That’s great news! Would be very excited to hear about your creative process. This will help me on a non-food related subject matter. Could you include your recommendations on the kind of software to use when writing a book that includes text and diagrams (image files)? Thanks.
What wonderful news! i adore your recipes and the fact that i have to hunt that little bit harder to find that grain or spice. Your creations both online and Super Natural colour my world.
Eagerly awaiting more…
Cheers from Australia,
Hedi- I would love to hear the “book process” Crazy enough I was talking to a friend over coffee about that today- I myself am wanting to write a book- got all the ideas not sure where to begin……please share any advice! LOVE COOKING LOVE YOUR RECIPES!
Fantastic! I can’t wait for the finished product, but it will be lovely to read about the journey it takes to for it to become a book. All the best, Heidi!
P.S. I cook from your book and website all the time, and not once have I had a recipe turn out poorly. They are all so delicious. Thank you!
This is exciting Heidi! I love your first book. And I would definitely be interested in hearing more about the process of cookbook-writing. Congrats!
Hope to read more about the new cookbook and the process. Thanks for all the healthy and flavorable recipes.
Would love to hear about the creative process!
You inspire and are inspired – very cool!
Congrats, Heidi!! Super Natural Cooking and your website have been such an inspiration to me. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
I love Super Natural Cooking and refer to it regularly. I am so excited for this new book!
Heidi – I am really happy about the prospect of a new book from you. I love the whole aesthetic you have going on here – the simplicity of your web site, the color tones and compositions of your photos, the book design – and of course your recipes.
Funnily enough, I discovered Super Natural right in the middle of a “raw food phase.” Well, I guess I wasn’t too convinced that “all raw” was for me, because I had to buy your book right then and there. I’m so glad I did!
At any rate, best of luck to you with this new project and I, too, look forward to hearing about the creative process.
Not bad not bad at all!!!!
More new recipes please!
About the time your cookbook was hitting the shelves, my husband and I had gone from eating pretty well to making a commitment to never eat any processed foods. We wanted to expand our cooking to include a greater variety of grains, etc we hadn’t tried before, as well as to eat more seasonally available foods and to hold out on foods that might be present in the store but completely out of season in our area. When we got your book we read it cover to cover together – I remember not being able to sleep well that night because I was so excited about trying new ingredients! It was all of your fabulous educational text outside of the recipe areas that I truly valued, and I couldn’t wait to try mesquite flour and agave nectar, etc. We couldn’t believe our luck finding a book that spoke to what we were doing for ourselves in such a wonderful way. My pantry is of course now stocked with things like amaranth and barley, and my copy of your book is barely holding together, as we spent so much time with it when it first came out, and do continue to dip into it for some of my favorite recipes. Thanks, Heidi, and we can’t wait for the next one!
Hello Heidi!
As a graphic design student, I’d love to hear you commenting on your own design/photography process.. It’s something I’m always curious to hear about, because things doesn’t come out of nothing. There’s always a whole process of trial and error behind every project, a process that is extremely rich and valuable on its on right. Reallly, would love hear you on that side.
I just moved to Bali, Indonesia and, besides my own recipe books, yours is the only actual cookbook I brought with me.
I look forward to the new book and would love to hear more about the creative process!
Thanks for keeping me inspired in the kitchen!
Heidi, I just made your homemade bouillon recipe and I just HAD to write you!!! So here I am, saying: MAGICAL STUFF!! 🙂
As soon as the batch was finished I put on the kettle and poured myself a mug of hot homemade bouillon and it was fabulous!!
I was thinking of making another batch and giving it away to friends in lovely glass jars!
Thanks again, Heidi!
I’m SO excited for this book already!! I love your last one, and gave it a present to my sister also!
Cant wait, yipee! x
Fantabulous, Heidi! I’m excited for you and of course for US! I would love the posts that take us through the processes with you; that’s fantastic! Hubby and I are thinking of taking a trip for our 20th anniversary in May.. San Francisco is at the top of the list! 🙂
Oh Yay! How exciting for all of us – can’t wait to get my hands on it!
Congratulations, Heidi!! I loved Supernatural Cooking and look forward to reading and cooking from your new book!
After seeing you today, I decided to check up on your blog and have just learned what excellent news awaits us all! Certainly a labor of love these books are,..and you do them well.
Congratulations! It was great running into you.
I’ve been following your work for years now and have posted only a few comments. However, I thought after reading your latest post I had so share this with you.
For years I’ve been searching for someone to share their creative process on developing a cookbook.
It would be so helpful and inspirational to hear your journey, so one may learn from someone who’s gone through the same or simular path. It would definitely answer a lot of questions for some of us who are trucking along on the same path.
This is great news! I love the Everyday part of it especially. Some of my favorite recipes of yours are the ones that are put together quickly with what you have on hand at that moment.
I’m so happy to hear that you are working on another book! And am very interested in hearing about the creative process, too – demystifying what goes into it and all of the creative choices that need to be made along the way.
I use your blog all of the time and get great feedback from family and friends on recipes I’ve made from it; I’ve recommended it to many friends. I also have the cookbook, but use the blog more – so I think your instincts to focus on what can be integrated into life in the everyday sense is a good one. I also appreciate the flexibility of your recipes, which is another way that it creates a sense of life integration for people – that you can substitute classic things that you have available (at your suggestion), and still have something wonderful to share.
And the artful photography, the appreciation of the beauty, flavor, quality and nurturing pleasure of food is delightful. Glorious. And I am always looking for innovative ways to use seasonal ingredients and the NYTimes top 10 foods you aren’t eating, etc. Thank you, Heidi, for your inspired efforts and Congratulations on creating a new book! Can’t wait to get it!
Your recipes: Nutritious food. Easy and quick to make. Variety. Simple things.
An inspirational look-see into your culinary creativity for those of us weary of cooking even one more meal.
I look forward to viewing its contents! Thanks for caring about those of us who can cook but don’t want to anymore. We still have to eat something and perhaps your recipes will inspire us to get our aprons out of the drawer and get busy again in the kitchen. .
Super Natural Cooking is my favorite. I fall asleep reading it and admiring the photos– if it does not jolt me out of bed to add something to tomorrow’s menu or grocery list. You have true passion and talent. Thanks for your inspiration and good health.
Congratulations on your upcoming book, I have to get your first one! If your blog is any indication of what it’s like, I’m sure it’s fantastic.
Please please begin postings regarding your new cookbook… and perhaps pointers to help the rest of us follow our bliss of cooking… you are an inspiration!!!
Yes, please share a glimpse of your creative process. I love the simple, everyday recipe concept. So often recipes are over the top- screaming for attention but soon forgotten. Tasty, healthy, go-to recipes are what I’m looking for. Congrats on the new book!
I received this book as a Christmas gift and adore it. How wonderful it is to see the beginnings of a new masterpiece.
Both your books are a great source of inspiration for me. “Cook 1.0” is my reference book whenever I feel like adding a twist to a recipe and I love to browse through “Super Natural Cooking”; looking at the wonderful pictures and reading the delicious recipes is my way of relaxing after a stressful day at work.
A new book! Great, I’ve been expecting this for quite a while 🙂 I can’t remember when I started reading your blog, but it’s been years now and I still get excited every time I see your email in my inbox.
I love the concept: not too many ingredients, not too time consuming (if I understood this right). I picture one recipe per page and photography style just like the one in your blog (I love, love your pictures and the fact that they’re all “in the same style”). Have you considered a special type of binding that would make it easier to keep the book open / flip the pages when cooking? I know spiral binding isn’t “pretty”, but maybe there’s a good alternative? Just thinking 🙂
Some posts about the creative process of making this book? Yes, please! Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful experiences with us!
fantastic news! i adore your photo collage and look forward to the new book!
I rarely comment although I use your recipes over and over but this time I must say with the hundreds also replying that you are wonderful and this site is wonderful.
I do use your recipes and I am going to get your book this week mostly just to say I love you and of course Ten Speed Press.
Our latest favorite is the white bean,potato and cabbage soup-my grand daughter and I have had it several evenings since you posted it.
I would absolutely love to see about your progression with your new book. The process seems fascinating.
Thank you Heidi for making everyday I read your blog, a little better. You inspire me.
Very nice wall, we believe it’s a fish!
This is fabulous news, Heidi….I can’t wait to see your new creations….Good Luck and keep up the great work…you are inspiration to so many of us!
This is fabulous news. I live in the Bay Area, and love to find products locally that your recipes call for. It would be great to learn about the process of producing the book…and I particularly love the idea of the recipes being the “everyday” sort…I never have enough time/energy/ingredients to do special things, but your recipes make me feel like I can cook creatively!
I’m super excited to hear about your book. My family and I have been using your recipes, both from the website and cookbook, for over a year now. Can’t wait for more. I would really love to read about the book process – all aspects are of interest.
I guess good things are worth waiting for, as always.
Congratulations!! Thanks for the little preview.
I would love to hear about the book writing process as it develops! Your site, and cooking style, has forever changed my food landscape, and I sincerely thank you for that. My request (if I may) for the book is that you include some recipes from the site. Some are just so good, they deserve to be seen in print, such as: the Tassajara Warm Red Cabbage salad, Orzo Super Salad, Spinach & Zucchini Soup, Miso Cabbage Salad, Walnut Miso Noodles, Giant Chipotle White Beans, to name a few!! Obviously, I can’t wait till the book debut, but at least we have the site to satiate us for now.
Happy writing!
Oh, I want to buy the new book now! I love Super Natural Cooking. It’s inspired me to come up with my own recipes based on the all the tips I’ve learned from your solid recipes. Everything I’ve made from this site and cookbook turn out so wonderful and I always credit you. Your attention to detail and flavors is perfect.
Good luck on this new endeavor. Please write about it as much as you are able! I’d love to learn more about this process.
Rad. It would be fascinating to hear about your process throughout the whole last couple years documenting everything and then how it’s coming together as a whole. Now off to cook myself some grub!
Great projects congratulations!
that is great news heidi! i loved your first book and have been coming back to your site for years now. cannot wait to get the new one. congratulations!
Hi Heidi,
I am looking forward for your new cookbook! That’s great! I have the Super Natural Cooking and I love it. I actually wrote a review about it on my blog.
Regarding the idea to write about the creative process of making the new book, I think this is fantastic! I would love to read your posts about it! 🙂
Thank you for sharing this super news!
heya Heidi, i see you around the hood often, while walking my dog. next time i see you i’ll say hi.
i’m really drawn to your writing. it’s simple, but descriptive.
and thankfully not overly-sentimental, but i think highly personal. and i enjoy reading it. looking forward to your next book.
i work with a woman (i admire) who has published a cookbook (i love) and one comment i’ve heard her say is,
‘if youre gonna write a cookbook, you better make sure you have something to say.’
it’s so elementary, but vital to getting started.
…she’s also spouted the lines about how ‘nothing is new,’ and ‘the world doesnt need another cookbook.’
i dont know, maybe she doesnt have the same haptic sense for the book-as-object as other people do.
for me, it’s hard to get over that initial hump, something (new, focused, different) to say.
but your writing definitely helps me. and inspires me.
it’s almost a shame that the word “everyday” has been co-opted by everyone and their brother in the last decade, too.
martha, rachel, other {celebrity} chefs
it’s a simple but evocative word, can it be over-used?
will you use the same font on inside pages as SNC, or a different one?
have fun as you collect your new project’s pages, –Bryan
HS: Hi Bryan. Please say hello next time you see me, it would be nice to meet in person. I hear you on the “everyday” front, it’s tricky, let me know if you have any other suggestions. I guess one of the things that makes the concept & theme of “everyday” compelling (and to your point, potentially overused) is that it’s different for each individual. My hope is to share some of what makes up my “everyday”….not what I think makes a good everyday recipe, but what I actually cook/eat day-to-day in my own kitchen. Re: fonts. I’m not sure yet, but I’m really excited to get to work with Toni again. V. broadly speaking, I’d love for this book to feel like a companion to SNC, but not necessarily a continuation of SNC – if that makes any sense. I’ll be sure to post about the design process once we get to it later in the year. See you in the park! -h
YES YES YES and YES!!!! *dancing on toes now* … and yes…would love your posts sharing the creative process along the way…what i love most about your blog & cookbook(s) is how natural & easy it feels, and how brilliant the fotos are…
I think posts about your creative book making would be fabulous! There is so much that goes into a cookbook that many people don’t know about or realize! You have been such an inspiration to me. I recently started a food blog because of it! Practicingfoodie.blogspot.com
Congrats on the book! and as always… looking forward to future posts!!!
please, please share the process as it unfolds. I am obsessed with cookbooks, but daunted by how it all “comes together.”
Congrats to you on another book.
Heidi! I am excited for you and have been constantly inspired by your dedication to fresh/seasonal/local ingredients. As a natural foods personal chef and cooking instructor, I know what energy and hard work goes into developing recipes (they are like little babies!) and am constantly wowed by your photography as well. Love the updates and the inspiration.
Best of luck with the new project! Can’t wait to see what happens…
Love your book Super Natural Cooking. I hope your new book will be better constructed. The current book construction is rather weak. My book started to come apart after I used it a few times.
Hello! I have been a long admirer as well since my sister bought your book for me. Being a graphic designer, amateur food photographer and lover of food/cooking all around (not to mention dreaming of living in San Fran someday!), I really appreciate the design of your previous cookbook and the beauty in your photos. I want to thank you for the explanations of what ‘whole foods’ were (ie, natural sweeteners, alternative flours, etc.) in Super Natural Cooking. Specifically your explanation of phytonutrients changed my life as I launched my product design thesis project based around this idea in the battle between nutrition vs. convenience in food, specifically ready-meals. I had rather successful results and loved the project! So thanks for educating me on a very interesting topic.
Any tips you could give on the process of creating a book, finding a publisher, what is required in the draft/proposal, etc. would be greatly appreciated as I, too, dream of making my own cookbook someday. Thanks!
Hi Heidi,
Just wanted to let you know that I’d love to hear all about the creative process you are about to undertake re: book number 2. I’ve found both your website and photography practical yet extremely inspiring and have included many of your recipes in my regular repertoire. I love your approach to cooking and food in general and have been a avid follower for about a year now (although this is the first time I have commented).
Yes, I’d love to read about the process of creating a cookbook! Please do write about that!
A new book, so exciting! I was wondering when you would write a new one… can’t wait till next year! And I would be interested to know more about the book creation process!
I wish you all the best with your new book. With regard to your question about writing a series focused on the creative process of making the book…..from my point of view this would be fantastic. I would love it and appreciate it as I too am trying to put a food book together. Every tip will help.
Kind thoughts
Kate from Africa
Congratulations dear Heidi! Its quite a process: putting a book together. Like birthing a baby! I have done it too with cookbooks earlier and now with a book called The Only Way Out Is Within. I wish you luck . Enjoy every moment! Its a real discovery…..
I think writing about the journey you wrote your book will be very interesting since from the sound of it the Super Natural book came together quite organically. I look froward to seeing it.
Thank you everyone for all your nice words and encouragement. The pressure is officially on – in a good way ;)!! I’m looking forward to sharing more with you throughout the process. -Heidi
Love your book, love your blog–this is one of the first spots I look for inspiration. The lentil crostini and brussels sprouts from the book are two of my fave (easy!) recipes ever. But I am working my way through the others as well. Very excited to hear there will be another book–many congrats.
Thank you for sharing such exciting news! I would LOVE to hear more about the bookmaking process. Yes, please!
HS: I’ll trade you a book for some of your sourdough starter Alanna!
You have a warm and welcoming writing style. Your posts are a pleasure to read, aside from the fact that your recipes are just great. This vegetarian is so tickled that you lend us a peak into your inspiration, into your camera, and into your life. I think I will have to get a copy of your your first book now, so that I will be ready for your second book, but only after you have shared some more of that process with us. Thanks so much.
Excellent news, can’t wait to see the new book!
Really I am saying great thanks for you! i am always loving your recipes and photos.
You are brill Heidi — and I would love to learn more about the process of the book. Will wait with anticipation.
Thanks for the great receipes provided by you. Would love to learn more about Indian cuisine. Preferably the south Indian & North Indian Dishes
Hello Heidi,
I think I am the first indian woman to post my comments.
You are a wonderful woman to write so many cook books.Hats off. I simply adored the the pictures of different varieties of food.
I am a foody and love cooking.In fact if you are interested I can share some of delicious Indian food.
I wish you all the best.
yes- please do write to us about your creative process. i am very interested. i enjoy your posts- your recipes- they have influenced my cooking greatly. i look forward to your new book. all the way from Israel!
So exciting! Congratulations on the start of your new project–I’m excited to get my hands on a copy. The everyday-cooking-style cookbooks are the workhorses of my kitchen. And oh yes, publishing locally with Ten Speed sounds just right. Enjoy the process!
YES, YES, and YES!!! Please share your creative process. You are such an engaging writer and talented artist it would be a treat to learn what it takes for you to make a book. I can’t wait for the first one!
Congrats Heidi! I can’t wait for the book – Super Natural has become my most-loved cookbook. As a graphic designer who’s super into cooking, I’d definitely love to see a series of posts on your process.
Congrats Heidi! This line is priceless, “I’ve come to believe you can’t really rush inspiration, it comes on its own schedule, emerging and intersecting my life when it sees fit. I just try to keep my eyes open.”
I’d LOVE to hear about your process.
Heidi, you are the first blogger’s cookbook I bought. I love it, and I STILL love your blog. You have been a key inspiration to my blog even though I am not vegetarian, I eat many such meals. I will purchase your second book and look forward to it.
Awesome that you are working on another book. I would love to have a breakdown of the creative process. It would be great inspiration for aspiring writers and cooks alike!
Very exciting! I’m currently assisting on a new photography book about food and what people eat from around the world. Ten Speed is also their publisher. I am very interested in hearing your process of putting together your next book.
Wow! Super Excited (to echo everyone else). Also, I have many times thought, I wonder when she’ll write another book? As I myself have toyed with the idea of doing a cook book (someday) I would be very interested in more posts on the topic of your next book! One more thing, can one pre-order this cookbook? 🙂
I love SNC but also LOVE Cook 1.0 —so the new book sounds perfect! Can’t wait for it!
Wow! I am so excited!! Congrats, and I can’t wait til it comes out!
Adding another vote for more posts sharing the process! Congrats!!
That’s so great Heidi, good luck to you! Can’t wait to try the recipes…… : )
So happy to hear of the upcoming book!!!!! No lie – I have given Super Natural to EVERYBODY I KNOW that loves to cook! I must have given 20 away this Christmas alone! The girl at Borders Books told me she got a copy because she figured it must be good ’cause I have gotten so many and I told her I would have given her one!! Truely, it is a thing of beauty on so many levels! Best of luck and please do share your process!
so looking forward to the next and the next and then the next…
it’s inspiring to see what can become from simple thoughts…the way all good things begin.
I am so excited to hear about your new book – I love Super Natural Cooking and have been recommending it (and this site) to all and sundry. Thanks for all of your hard work!
The creative process is always such a fascinating thing. And I especially love your photos. So yes! It would be both informative and fun to hear about the publishing process.
LOVE your cookbook – cooking from it and just reading and admiring the photos. Truly inspirational – I’ve even been tempted to visit “your” co-op in SF (I live in Davis) for the few ingredients I can’t find here. Can’t wait for your next book!
Posts detailing the process of coming up with a cookbook would be fantastic. Looking forward to seeing the final product too. Great news!!!
Thanks for the inspiration and creativity!
This is so exciting! Congratulations! I was hoping you’d write another book. I’m definitely interested in you sharing your process with us, especially the photography!
Congrats Heidi! I would love, love, love to read about your creative process. Your life and style intrigue me. Thank you for sharing~
I would love to hear what you have to share. I collected 30 months worth of travel stories connected to the kitchens I visited but never had the courage to produce a book. I read every post you send me. Thank you.
I’d love to hear about your creative process. Please write about it!
This is great news! A friend turned me on to your site in September. I began to really enjoy your blog, and I decided to purchase your book as a Christmas present to myself. Fantastic to hear that we can expect another one in the future. Keep up the great work!
This is so exciting! I love your cookbook and your Web site. I’m constantly cooking from recipes from both. A new cookbook on the way? Makes me happy happy!
I can’t wait for your next cookbook! I think your first is wonderful. Thank you for all sorts of inspiration!!!!
heidi you totally rock… i use your book everyday… seriously, everyday, my family is so grateful for groovy and delicious veggie food instead of boring and sad punishing veggie food… we love your take on everything.. esp. the lentil soup with butternut squash… i can’t wait for your new collection and am so glad you have this online way to connect with your foodie fans… lots of love, respect and support in this new endeavor… best, sydney
congratulations, Heidi! you must be so excited. I cannot wait to hold your book in person. I just sent my first book to the publishers- it is the best feeling in the world.
I bought your Super Natural Cooking today. I can hardly wait to get started. 🙂
Good luck with the new one!
I love your work, in the many forms that it takes, be it an email, a picture, blog post or a cook book. It is all extremely inspiring.
The short answer is absolutely share the process – if it is something you want to do it is definitely something I know I am interested in.
Congratulations on your successes, we all look forward to your next book!
That’s a great idea to share the process. Looking forward to reading all about your new venture. Congratulations.
Your recipes are inspirational and creative and I love cooking from this site!
Yes, if you ask me to write about the creative process!
And Congratulations on being given the chance to publish a second time!
Three Cheers!!
As a big fan of Super Natural Cooking (like most others who’ve posted), I am very excited to hear the news- and look forward to adding the new book to my cookbook collection– and the new recipes/skills/etc to my cooking repertoire!! Congratulations- I can’t wait!!!!
Super Natural Cooking was terrific. Sorry to see that you couldn’t have also found a printing house here in the United States. Did you really need to get that printed in China? We need to start using our own resources again. Luckily, we can still make our own food and support local farmers and farmer’s markets.
Congratulations! Be sure and let us know when you’ll be doing your book signing in SF. Can’t wait to see the new recipes!
Congratulations! Be sure and let us know when you’ll be doing your book signing in SF. Can’t wait to see the new recipes!
Oh my…huge congrats!! I’m such a fan of Super Natural Cooking and am very excited for your new book and to see your latest recipes and photos, which are always inspiring! I’d love to learn more about the book making process and your inspiration for photos and recipes. Thanks for sharing your good news best of luck pulling things together!
I’d be excited to hear your process as you work through another book. I’ve been bouncing around the idea of a cookbook for a while now, and though I know authors, a cookbook is an entirely different creature. 🙂 I’d also love to hear more about your food photography- it’s really quite enticing.
Hello Heidi !
I would love to read posts about the process of making your new book.
I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and really enjoy it. You know you’re quite big in France, too, don’t you ?
I have this really delicate question that you don’t have to answer, of course, but do you make an actual living out of writing cookbooks ? Is that all you do day in, day
out ? I’m a food blogger myself and would love to make it my work.
AL from Lyon
I am really glad to hear you are writing a new book. I love Super Natural Cooking and always feel inspired by the recipes, pictures and your narrative. I normally cook something from either your web site or book at least once a week. To hear about the process of how you put your book together would be really interesting. Thank you!
Oh Happy Day!!! I just got your first book and last night made the Quinoa and Crescenza, using a German Triple cream. What a treat!
AND just got the Ottolenghi Cookbook and what fun that is. I wait for your posts and enjoy everyone. Just got some small pearled tapioca and will be trying out your and your dad’s version.
Thank you again. All the best and YES of course i’d love to read more re your creative process!
The idea of your “posts” is fantastic. It would be so interesting to see your progress as your book comes to fruition. Aren’t we priviledged to be a part of it! I love your book Super Natural Cooking & your 101 cookbooks, so 2011 can’t come soon enough.
The idea of your “posts” is fantastic. It would be so interesting to see your progress as your book comes to fruition. Aren’t we priviledged to be a part of it! I love your book Super Natural Cooking & your 101 cookbooks, so 2011 can’t come soon enough.
I would be thrilled to read more posts about your creative process-bring it on!
YES! Please share all of your messy, unfettered process…the photos, the ideas, whatever inspires you. I am at a ‘terrifying’ transition in my life and it is very reassuring and comforting to share in that experience.
Thank you for keeping me inspired…
First, I love your photography and your recipes. They are beautiful.
Your talking about the book process really strikes a chord with me right now, as my husband (a photographer) has a book at the printers right now.
I can totally identify with the frightening aspects! And it is part of the creative process.
The book will be available online next month, I hope. But you can learn about the project at http://www.justasiam.ca
Love getting your emails!
My comment posted without me finishing it!
Anyways, I love Super Natural Cooking and the accessibility of the recipies. My family loves and craves my health cooking now. If you want to throw in some over the top, special occasion recipies I wouldn’t mind!
I’ve only just started reading your blog but I whole heartedly enjoy it. As a fellow San Franciscan, I love that I can read your blog and relate to the local foods you use! As a foodie and (sort of) creative person myself, I’d love to read more about the process. I think it would make us all appreciate the final product that much more!
My comment posted without me finishing it!
Anyways, I love Super Natural Cooking and the accessibility of the recipies. My family loves and craves my health cooking now. If you want to throw in some over the top, special occasion recipies I wouldn’t mind!
I think that including some over the top, elaborate things are okay too. I do love the accessibility of the recipies because if you are having a lot of people over (we’re italian-hence lots of food) it’s nic. I have used many of them for family gatherings
I think that including some over the top, elaborate things are okay too. I do love the accessibility of the recipies because if you are having a lot of people over (we’re italian-hence lots of food) it’s nic. I have used many of them for family gatherings
Hi Heidi, Since I devour every one of your e-mails and use many, many of your recipes or adapt them to be celiac free, I would dearly love to follow the process of your new book and will be eager to see its’ publication in 2011. I envy your ability to have garden fresh produce. But make do with our imported foods and am grateful that I have many fine things to choose from that are imported from around the world. God bless Heidi and great good luck.
Absolutely! I’d love to see more about the cookbook writing process and how you tackle each phase.
And good luck!
I am delighted with the sparkling mood that colours this post and am looking forward to reading more of your simple wisdom. Yes, do share the story of the birth of this book with us! And good luck with what remains to be done!
I keep giving away my copy of your cookbook to my friends and family – I’m on my fifth purchase. Keep ’em coming, Heidi! Your recipes and words are like magic.
Heidi…I think you’re the coolest! Really. I love photography too, and fonts, and layout…and books are like treasures. I adore them. Your interests resonate with me…it’s fun to capture moments, images, a feeling, a story, a process…then journaling/sharing them…with words and photographs…SO…please do let us in on your creative process for your next wonderful book…I want to know! I am trekking (on foot) 500 miles across northern Spain this summer…it’ll take six weeks…and I had the idea to stop, eat and taste my way along…to document recipes of some authentic local spanish dishes along the way…with photographs of the food, the journey..the people…I am looking for inspiration…there’s more time right now for personal exploration and creativity…your blog today made me very happy…your self expression helps to inspire…thanks from the bottom of my heart!
What a beautifully written, insightful post. I would love to hear more about your creative, book-writing process!
Thank you.
i just recently bought your (now known as) *first* book, and am madly, deeply in love.
now there will be more to love! share. share.
I LOVE my copy of Super Natural Cooking. It is literally the one cookbook I always turn to. So I can’t wait for the Everday follow up!!! As a designer, I would also love to follow along with your creative process. Thanks for sharing! And congratulations on book 2!
i think the more terrifying the better. otherwise we’d stay all comfy and never grow. congratulations on conquering that fear (b/c selfishly i can’t wait for your next book!). you’ve got one big base of fanatical cheerleaders rooting for you!
Yay! I can’t wait to add this book to my collection! I love Super Natural Cooking and your photography.
Yes, please do share your creative processes!
I love that your next book will be focused on the “everyday” recipes, since that’s where I need the most help.
Another cookbook idea for you – everyday complete meals. I can’t always come up with main dishes that go with which sides and sometimes I end up with a great side from your book or blog, but the main is something not-so-good or even store-bought.
I do like that you often suggest pairings for your dishes, but if you would just lay it out for me – main dish with this side dish with this dessert, or this appetizer leads well into this, which pairs well with that, etc.
I get into terrible ruts and having even just a week’s worth of meal plans featuring your recipes would be a tremendous boost for me!
I think you might even be able to work on this suggestion while working on your next book – it could be a section of the new book……
THANK YOU for all that you share as well as your wonderful recipes!
Can’t wait to see the new book! I would love to hear your behind-the-scenes account of its creation. Super Natural Cooking is one of my most used cookbooks. I’m so glad there will be a follow-up!
Oh yay!! I am so thrilled to hear this. I love SNC, have made most of the recipes and have given countless copies as gifts to friends. I was so hoping you’d do another book and I can’t wait to buy it! And, yes, I’d love to see posts about the process, photography, etc. Love it all. Congrats, Heidi!
Congratulations on the new book project Heidi! I look forward to hearing more about the process. And seeing about it too!
looking forward to it…your work is inspiring thanks- and best wishes to your endeavors.
i love your site and can’t wait to see how your new book comes along. Imagine, lessons in great food and publishing at the same time. Thanks for sharing.
I’m so excited! I’ve recommended Super Natural Cooking to so many friends. It’s one of my favorite books (not just cook books) ever. And now there’s going to be more! 🙂
So excited to hear about your upcoming book! I love your first , it’s a joy to cook out of as well as just a visual joy to thumb through. And a big yes to I’d love to see a blog about the process of creating and taking a book to print! thank you!
Congratulations! Both your book, SNC, and your website, have been a source of constant inspiration for me. I have probably made just about every recipe on the site at least once, and some a number of times! (Lemon quinoa!) I have also told just about every person I speak to about the website and told them to visit! I would love to hear more about the creative process of putting the book together!
Posts detailing your experience developing the book would be most welcome.
So excited to hear you’re working on another book. Can’t wait to see it– and here’s to another success. Hope you do a book tour and make it to Philly 🙂
Bonne chance!
Super Natural Cooking was the first cookbook that I bought for myself when I moved into a place with a kitchen. I had already fallen in love with the recipes from this site, so it was a natural choice. Your writing got me thinking about making healthy (and delicious!) choices in my cooking. I can’t wait for your next book!
This is so exciting! I look forward to your posts here, and now I’m looking forward to the new book.
Fantastic! I love Super Natural and can’t wait to get your new book. Thank goodness we have this site in the meantime.
Congratulations!!! Love your work…
Bravo Heidi. You’re a true inspiration. I love your recipes and your photos. I wish you success with your new, much-anticipated book.
Congratulations Heidi!! I’m so excited for you!! and so excited for all of us that we get to use another one of your cookbooks! Thanks for sharing yourself with us, and please do post about the various stages of the book creation!
Congratulations, how exciting!
Just spent a few January days in San Francisco. Naturally, I went to the Farmer’s Market at the pier. Loved the choices (even came home with a pound of Vaquero beans from Rancho Gordo–they sure don’t take long to cook, yum), the Blue Bottle Coffee (“Why, I wondered, are people lining up?”), and plenty of dried fruits (and chocolate) and a great tamal (fresh and veggie). Then I came home, opened up the computer and realized (in a great “duh” moment) that that’s where Heidi 101Cookbooks lives! Please do write that second book. You’ve made a very positive change in the way I cook and have revived my interest in the whole process. Thanks, Laura
Wow..Thats a great news. I knew you would soon delight us with another fantastic book. I love your idea of writing a series of posts about the ‘book making process’
Can’t wait to read those experiences..
Also, let me take this opportunity to thank you for being a consistant source of healthy and taste-bud pleasing recipe inspirations..really, I can’t thank you enough..
YES, YES, YES, please share on creative process. That would be very cool. I’ve often wondered how cookbooks come together because there are so many excellent ones out there now. When I first started cooking about 30 years ago, not so much.
Great news about the new book! I have used Super Natural Cooking for a couple of years now… thrilled by the concept and the photography is always an inspiration. I have given copies as gifts regularly to friends…now, I will have a follow-up. I love my regular “fix” with your online postings. Good luck in the development of the new work.
I own lots of cookbooks, but yours is the most beautiful one I own! I love the photography and enjoy just looking through it’s gorgeous pages. I love to cook your recipes too and find inspiration each time I get your newsletter or look into your cookbook. Thanks and keep up the inspiring cooking!
Congratulations, Heidi on your new book. I have so enjoyed Super Natural Cooking; so much so that the binding is coming apart! You have really taught me so much about cooking and how to substitute ingredients to get the things our bodies need while also enjoying the process of cooking.I often find myself asking the question “what would Heidi do” while in the market or reviewing a recipe.
Many thanks for the work you are doing. And yes, would really love to see more photography, design layout, etc.
There is such a wonderful synthesis and collaboration these days in the writing process, such as inviting your readers to share in your creative process. As a writer and teacher of writing, it warms my heart to know this, perhaps even more than a warm bowl of lentil soup! (Well, perhaps…it’s cold, rainy, and snowy today here in Sedona.) Thanks for letting us share in your process and exploration, and product!
I guess I’m a day late again to respond to your posting on bouillon. I’m so intrigued by the recipe and must try it soon. The recipe would also allow playing with different kinds of salts, something I’ve been doing lately. My latest fav is Himalyan pink salt which has almost a sweet after effect on the palate. It must work on opening up the sweet taste buds! What possibilities for the bouillon recipe!
I too would love it if you shared your creative process. I would be especially interested in tweeks of recipes and reasons why.
Good luck and have fun with this project.
I’m exciting about getting your updates on all things cookbook process!
Wonderful news! Yes, please dedicate a few posts to you creative book process. I love when you incorporate these types of things into your blog – i.e. photography tips, travel stories, etc. Thanks for all the inspiration!
How thrilling! I’m delighted to hear that you’re working on a new book, and I hope you will do a series of posts about the whole creative process. I know I’m not the only one who is already looking forward to that!
Heidi- I’ve NEVER made so many recipes or recommended a book/website as I have since I’ve found you. Even meals for my mainstream company that are traditionally difficult have been a huge success. Needless to say, I’m thrilled to hear you are working on another cookbook! The other night I took some ing. from the refridge and made them into a wonderful soup…off the top of my head (roasted red pepper) and it worked b/c I used the principals I’ve learned from you, including, topping the soup with feta and chopped chives. Thank you for being such an inspiration. Andrea
I love the photo montage! “Super Natural Cooking” has been a life saver for me. My diabetes is now under control since I started eating natural, I could not have done it without your cookbook. Thank you. I can’t want till “Everyday Super Natural is published. One of my favorites off the site is Double Broccoli Quinoa. My teenage daughter loves it, too. Once again thanks for the recipes, and pictures. Please share with us your creative process.
This is such exciting news, Heidi! I only found your blog last year and have been hooked ever since. Having married a vegetarian this past fall, I rely on your recipes to keep our menu interesting (and healthy!) When my friends ask how I find vegetarian things to cook, I always gush about your recipes, photos and inspiration. I’m looking forward to picking up your new cookbook next spring. The fact that you’re gearing it toward simple dishes is even more appealing since we both work full-time and have many hobbies that keep us busy as well. 2011 can’t come soon enough!
Wonderful news! Please tell us when we can pre-order!! Can’t wait.
Congratulations Heidi on the new book! The process of creating a cookbook is an exciting one, and one that I also enjoy. As a fellow creative and cookbook creator, I would love to hear more about the process that you go through to bring your book to life. Not only is your current book a cookbook, but also an inspiring and beautiful creative expression. I look forward to your posts about the new book.
For me, hearing about your creative process is as exciting as seeing your beautiful photos and recipes. Please continue to share!
yeah & yes!
Your upcoming book is going to be great. Can’t wait to see it. You have set the bar quite high with Super Natural Cooking, so no pressure or anything. Yes, would love to gain insight into your process. All the best!
I’M from ISRAEL and i love everything you write.I wait to read your columns every day. wanted to share with you that me and my friend published a cookbook 2 years ago’ that went very well and working now on a new very special one,too!! i would LOVE TO hear more about the prosess of publishing, all the ecxitment you mentioned today. Will be waiting to hear from you. Glad i “found” you on the web. Ruthi Carmi
I love your blog, and will check back often for inspiration.
This is wonderful! And yes I for one would love being able to be part of your process! Do share how you make it happen!
Heidi, how exciting! Can’t wait for the new book. Please do share your process… it’s probably my favorite type of insider peek. To see someone else’s creative process is, to me, endlessly fascinating.
Would love to hear about your creative process. Your work inspires me so much! Can’t wait until 2011. Thanks Heidi.
yes, definitely share your inspirations/design ideas, etc.!
Absolutely! Everyone I know is waiting for my book! It terrifies me. I have started with my collections and am formulating my ideas on what it will include, why and how it will look. Oh, please do share.
PS, I absolutely love your blog. It is very inspirational.
I’m so thrilled for you!! You are the person I’ve never met that I think of most fondly.
Please do share the process, recipes, photos, anything from the new book as it unfolds! It would be fun, maybe create some helpful feedback and would definitely be delicious! Looking very forward to it.
Yay! Thanks so much Heidi! Looking forward to your new book. Super Natural cooking has become a staple in my kitchen. Your website has made me experiment and learn more about what works well together.
Looking forward to the posts on putting your new cookbook together.
Yes please! It would be awesome if you would share that. Love your other book btw…
A few months ago I had a dream that I ran into you and Alice Waters (!) on one of my trips to visit my brother and sister-in-law. Unfortunately, even in my dream, I could not think of anything substantial to say to either of you. This probably means I might be a bit obsessed with the food movement in which you two have been/ are involved.
In other words, yes, yes, yes please, share the creative book-making process.
You are one of my major inspirations– and I’m not even a vegetarian (but I’ve upped my non-meat intake tremendously since I first came upon your blog about one year ago.)
phew! i bought your amazing book super natural cooking about three months ago and am almost half way through it, so I am seriously going to need your second book by spring 2011 🙂
i would love to hear about the process of putting a book together.
I’m interested. Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing inspiration, practicality and beauty while guiding us in excellent cooking.
I’m a very small drop in the wide sea of your readers but you DID ask…I’d love to read of the processes of putting a new book together. Anything you are willing to share I’m so happy to read. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Congratulations! I love your cookbook and am now super excited about your new one!
And I would love a series of posts about putting a book together.
yay!!! so looking forward to your new book and would love to read posts on the process.
Heather: I am so grateful for the discovery of your webjournal. I have benefited so much from the fresh and natural recipes/ideas. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it has changed my life- but it has definitely made an impact on a huge part of it!!
I would love to see the process of creating and publishing your new book…..
Thank You!!!
Congrats! Like all other 123 people above, I am really looking forward to the new book coming out!
Heidi, is there any way that you could include nutritional info in this cookbook? I love your recipes, but it would be so helpful if that other information was included as well! thanks and looking foward to the new book…
I love the concept of your new book. For those of us who are busy with work and kids, it is appealing to hear about how to best celebrate seasonal ingredients on the day-to-day level. As someone who is toying around with the idea of a book of my own, I would really appreciate learning about your creative process and photography tips. You are an inspiration.
yay!! cant wait for spring 2011 and super natural everyday to come!! can you give us a sneak peak at some of the recipes… my eagle eyes tell me your fabulous red lentil soup w brown rice made it into the book. congratulations in advance!
I would love a glimpse of your book-making process–please do share. And I love the recipes–your egg and rice bowls became an instant staple for me. Thanks!
That is great news… I would also love to see the process behind the mystery…
For the new book, can you ensure with the publisher that it is physically produced in a better way? My copy fell apart within a couple of weeks of getting it and I do take very good care of my books (i.e. I never, ever break a spine…)
Good Luck! and thank you for taking this trip down the road of inspiration for us.
Hooray and CONGRATULATIONS–to you and to us readers! I use Cook 1.0 and Super Natural Cooking all.the.time. I seriously just got excited enough for it to me who has a book in the works!
I’d love to get glimpses into the process along the way, and I cannot wait to have it propped up in my kitchen while I’m cooking through your fabulous creations and concoctions. Woo to the hoo!
Heidi – I’ve been following you for about a year now – you have changed the way I think about food and cooking and have been a tremendous resource as I’ve tacked cooking tasty, healthy food while sticking to a restrictive diet prescribed by a naturopath I’m working with. I would love to hear more about the making of your new book!
I recently purchased Super Natural Cooking and it had so much great information besides the fantastic recipes. Looking forward to your next collection.
Heidi, you are a great inspiration to foodies, bloggers and creative folks everywhere! Wonderful that you are working on a new book. I would love to follow your online “work in progress” tid bits.
Your writing, ingredient knowledge, photos and lifestyle are so fun to follow. I would greatly honor the opportunity to review your new book on FFC when you are at that stage……should you wish. xo
yay! yay! yay! I love your blog, Super Natural Cooking and your photography!! You are such an inspiration, I would love to read about the process of book making/writing 🙂 Good luck and happy cooking !
Those photos are really amazing (your photos always are!) I’m excited about your new book, can’t wait!
I would love for you to share the process! I have a book (several) on health and nutrition floating around in my mind and “terrified” is where I am at, so it will be nice to hear about how you arrange your writing time and how the process unfolds for you~
I look forward to reading all about it and of course, buying the book when it is done~
Best of luck to you~
This sounds like it will be a beautiful testament to your lifestyle; encompassing choices and artistic talents. Looking forward to learning more. Thank you for sharing this window with your audience.
Oh Heidi, I knew this was coming and I”m still so happy to see this post. That wall of photographs inspires me. I can only imagine what the book is going to do!
thank you for all that mulling and thinking, creating and cooking. we will all benefit from it.
yaaaaay! I’ve been cooking a ton out of Super Natural Cooking this past week, and am making a few recipes for a party this weekend. I was hoping it won’t be too long until we see another book from you. But I still have lots to explore with this one – thanks for all your work and inspiration, Heidi!
I used to work in the publising business — and we were distributed by Ten Speed — they are GREAT! Can’t wait for the new boo.
Congratulations, this is wonderful, exciting news. And like many others here I would love to read more about your creative process. You’re an inspiration on so many levels.
Yes, please. I’d love for you to share with us your book-writing creative process.
Congrats, Heidi! Sounds like a splendid idea for a new book. Super Natural Cooking is so good, and I can’t wait to see what you do to take it to the next level. The posts documenting the process sound fantastic – I’d love to see a little more emphasis on your photography, because it is amazing!
Heidi, I’ve loved your posts…they inspire me. Keep them coming and share your stories. You thrill me….
You really are the best! Beautiful pictures, beautifully balanced recipes…and so inspirational. Thank you!
I’d love to hear about the process! And I am very excited!
Oh Boy! New recipes! New Photos! Yes-please share some of your creative processes. SNC is so inspiring.Like what you said about not rushing inspiration…..Thanks Heidi!
I would love to read about the bookmaking/publishing process. Your photos are so beautiful!
Oh how exciting ! Lots of good luck to you, sure sounds like you will continue to enjoy the process, how ideal. And yes by all means, please do share thoughts and images and stories along the way. A behind the scenes bonus for us readers ! Can’t wait to follow along…
So excited for you Heidi! Loved the first one and looking forward to your second! Bravo!
“I was thinking I might write a series of posts focused on the creative process of making this book if you’re interested? I was thinking: photography; the manuscript; the design process; inspiration; the recipes….? Let me know what you think.” yesyesyesyesyesyesyes…I never buy cookbooks, haven’t bought one in decades and after several checkouts of yours from my library i realized i really needed to just go out and buy my own copy — which i promptly did…
My shelf is ready and waiting for the next book. Looking forward to it!
Congrats Heidi. I love your work and look forward to your next book!
I am excited about this new cookbook, I didn’t even know about the first one! Looks like I am going shopping tonight. Thanks for all the great recipes!
That’s so exiting! I cannot wait for your new book. I would love to hear about the process – I often wondered how you go from idea to published book. Thanks so much for sharing. And a big congratulations!
Looking forward to your new book! It sounds perfect! exactly what I need!
Heidi, I can’t wait for this book! This sounds like exactly the cookbook I’ve been wanting, and you are the perfect person to write it. I would be very interested in hearing about your process, as well. Thank you for all you share with us!
I just want to chime in on the book process posts – while I think it would be very interesting to see, I also get just a little bit sad whenever I see a new post that isn’t a recipe…
YAY for a new cookbook!
Hi Heidi !
congratulations, sounds so very exciting, can’t wait to see the new book and would love to hear about your process along the way ! all the best…karen
Yay, yay, yay! I love Supernatural Cooking and look forward to the next book. Also would love a series of posts on the process.
hi heidi,
such great news! really looking forward to the new book and would love to hear about the creative process.
Ooh the suspense! I agree, I would love to hear about creative process of making a book.
What fine news for everyone (us, most of all!)
I, for one, vote a huge yes in favor of creative process sneak peeks. What fun.
Oh this is great news, so exciting! I have been browsing through SNC lately because of being in a New England winter this year, and missing the farmer’s markets there and the beautiful bounty, so your cookbook helps ease the homesickness. Still wish I could teleport to Contingo though! One request for the new book-the binding is totally falling apart on my copy, perhaps something more sturdy for the next one? Please do share your process!
I am so excited! It sounds like a great book and I can’t wait for it.
Congratulations! I can’t wait for the new book!
I can’t wait for your new cookbook!
Great! It will be nice to read about the total creative process for your book. It is so much more than just sitting down and arranging the recipes.
I can’t wait to read the book, and I think the ‘daily food’ theme (paired with your always gorgeous photography) you are sticking to makes it a great gift idea also for friends who are not foodies. I love giving cookbooks as gift, nearly as much as I love receiving them.
And if you feel like posting some details on the process of making your cookbook, I’d wait for it like a very very big gift 🙂
I am so excited that you’re writing another cookbook! I absolutely love Super Natural Cooking… both the recipes and photographs. I actually have your book on a cookbook holder open to pages 42-43, displaying the gorgeous photos. I switch up the pages every now and then to add color to my kitchen.
I love the idea of posts about the book writing process. I’m sure it is a much more detailed process than most of us know, and it would be interesting to a get a sneak peak into it.
Fantastic news, Heidi – I adore Super Natural Cooking and can’t wait to read the new book too! Look forward to reading the process of making also, good luck and have fun!
Congratulations to your new project – that sounds like a lot of fun. And since I love your first book I’m really looking forward to your second one.
Your site is a big inspiration to me – especially for baking! I tried many of your sweet recipes and some got standards in my kitchen – we just love them! (the simple chocolate cake or tapioca pudding for instance).
So pleeease put many great dessert and baking recipes in your book and I’ll be very happy 🙂
Congratulations Heidi! I have loved your site for years – I can’t tell you how many of your recipes I’ve made – I come back to 101Cookbooks again and again – flavorful and healthy, a pretty good combination! I am looking forward to the new cookbook!
I still remember the day I ordered SNC. I had just begun to suspect that the nutrition advice I was taking from magazines and websites wasn’t quite enough, when I read a review of your book. SNC inspired me to not only overhaul my pantry and cookbook collection but make local, organic whole foods a way of life. Now, that I have tried most of the recipes in your cookbook, your blog is the one I visit the most often. I know you haven’t stopped buying cookbooks, but I (almost!) have. I can’t tell you how many times I have realized I bought too many potatoes, or tomatoes or whatever only to find the perfect recipe from you in my inbox. Please keep doing what you’re doing. I can’t wait for your new cookbook!
Warm regards from chilly upstate NY,
I love using the recipies on your side and just last week ordered your book (am eagerly waiting for it!), so next year spring is perfect timing for me. Good luck with all the work!
I would adore it if you gave us an insight to the process; what a wonderful idea! 🙂
It’s also my dream to have mine one day. I truly admire you. And your photography. Creating a cook book that accompanies the photos, much be a superb author, photographer & cook =)
i would love to hear about the creative process of your cookbook and how it comes together 🙂 plse share whatever you feel to share with us 🙂 many thanks
Betty Bake
Woohoo!!!! Can’t wait for this!!! Yeay for a new Heidi cookbook. =)
These are great news!
I can’t wait to read the coming posts and get a hold of the book..
You are such an inspiration..
Fantastic news! I’ve been reading your blog for a little over a year, and I enjoy both the recipes on your site and the ones in Super Natural Cooking. As someone who needs to eat whole grain foods for medical reasons, it’s refreshing to find new ideas on your site for ingredients I cook with often.
I’m already looking forward to buying your new book. I’m a San Francisco native, but by the time it comes out, I’ll be in graduate school somewhere else, and it will be a wonderful reminder of home.
yay heidi, congratulations!! as one of many who have been hoping for your next book, i’m so excited now i finally got the date: roll on spring 2011!! best of luck with everything!!
fantastic news! sounds like a great concept! can’t wait to pick up a copy when it becomes available.
Two days ago I received the copy of SNC that I ordered. I love it. My pantry is already partly transformed and I’m completely inspired to start cooking. Not sure whether it will be the black tea springrolls or the qunoa, crescenza and mushrooms first. I can’t wait for the sequel next year. Congratulations and good luck!
I can’t wait for your new book! I just got Super Natural Cooking for Christmas and love it. Already tried out a few of the recipes. The panna cotta is my favorite so far. Easy but so delicious.
That’s wonderful! I’m so excited about your new book already!
I just received Super Natural Cooking as a birthday gift and love the the two recipes I’ve tried. I can’t wait for Spring 2011–good luck with the manuscript!
Heidi, congratulations! I love your blog and your Sparkling Ginger Chip cookies (and so do most people I offer the cookies to). I would love to read more about your creative process – from idea to testing to the final product. I also love your photos. Thank you!
Congratulations on the new book! I love SNC and would definitely be up for what’s next. Please, please share more about your creative process!
This is wonderful news! I love SNC and have had great success with everything I’ve made out of it. It’s great to have a follow-up to look forward to.
I definitely want to hear about it! I got SNC for Christmas, although I’ve cooked many, many of your blog recipes. I’m just marking the recipes to try and started with the Barley Risotto. Can’t wait to follow the journey.
Happy to have found your blog. Looking forward to getting the book. I won’t say I worship food, but it is a passion. Happy to have found a kindred spirit!
Hurray! I love your first cookbook and can’t wait for the next!
I am the owner of your first cookbook, and liked it so much that I bought two as gifts – for graduate students from our lab, who were just starting to be interested in cooking
Many of your recipes are regular appearances at our dinner table
so, of course, I will be looking forward to your new cookbook, and will definitely order it!
Congratulations and – yay! – can’t wait for the new cookbook! I first learned of “Super Natural Cooking” while working part-time at Williams-Sonoma a couple years back (they carried it)… then I discovered 101 Cookbooks and our kitchen hasn’t been the same since! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Wow, reading all these comments about your first book makes me want to check it out! Congratulations on this second book! I just started getting into whole grains and I love it! Thanks for the wonderful site and, yes, I would also love to hear about the process!
I am SO excited for your next book! Super Natural Cooking is one of the most-used cookbooks I have, and it’s falling apart because I’ve made 90% of the recipes (and lots of them over and over!)
I can’t wait to get my hands on the new book!
I’m graduating in spring 2011, and I’ll definitely be putting the book on my gift wish list! I can’t wait (and I’d definitely love to read about the creative process along the way)!
Oooooh, congratulations! What exciting news! I would love to read about your process.
So excited!! I bought Super Natural Cooking for my mom’s birthday, and she loves it so so much and cooks from it regularly! I love it when she calls me up to tell me about yet another one of your recipes that she tried out and loved. My particular favorite (that I tried) was the Yucatan Street Corn. Can’t wait to get the sequel!
You’re actually the first blogger who inspired me to go to the direction where you are heading: cooking with whole and natural foods. I although I’ve been interested in nutrition since my teen years, your work gave me an idea that this is exactly what I want to do with food. Love your cookbook and looking forward to a new one.
Beautiful words on inspiration.
I love the photo of all your photos and look forward to continue being inspired by your posts!
That’s so exciting, can’t wait to see what you put together! As for writing posts on the creative process, I would love to learn more about your food photography. Your pictures are stunning and one of the many reasons I’m drawn to your food. Any tidbit on how you set up your scene, the equipment you use, and general tips and advice would be great!
And YES! Please share every single last detail of your fabulously inspiring and creative process….
Your book, your blog, and your life are such an inspiration! THANK YOU for sharing it aall with all of us. I happened to have pulled your book off my shelf early this morning, looking for a recipe to go with the rain and desire for comfort food so I was thrilled to read your post today. Rereading your section on sweeteners was a very helpful reminder of the evils of refined sugar, not only to our bodies, but also to the environment. Thank you!
Tonight it will be your Creamy Cauliflower Soup and Sprouted Garbanzo Burgers. YUM!
Yes! Your last book was beautiful. It would be amazing to have insight into your design process.
hello heidi and congratulations! this is great news! of course it would be an inspiration to hear about your process. i look forward to those posts.
thanks so much for both your book and your site. every few days i find myself referencing one or the other and constantly recommend them to friends.
fantastic! I would love to hear more. I have supernatural cooking, and I would absolutely have to get your next book. It’s that much more special when we have been following you through the process.
I would LOVE to read posts detailing your creative process. You’re always so generous with us, your readers! I’m looking forward to the next book. My copy of Super Natural Cooking is dogeared and the spine is falling apart. I’m about to take it into Office Max to have a spiral binding put on it and to laminate the front and back covers, otherwise I doubt the book will last another month!
i would love to hear more about the process- specifically the photography aspect
I work in publishing (not cookbooks) and I would love to watch your new book develop through your blog. My boyfriend says he’s never met anyone who reads cookbooks like I do, as if they are regular books. Looking forward to more posts!
I’d love that, Heidi! Yes, yes, yes!
congrats!! i am very excited to see what comes next. i love your first book! and I for one would be very interested in reading a series of blog posts on the process! 🙂
Congratulations on the new cookbook! I’m excited to see the new creations from the kitchen and stunning photography!
Oh I am so excited. I love Super Natural Cooking. All the recipes I’ve made with it, or from your website in general have been awesome 🙂
I would love to read about your creative process! What a wonderful preview to your new book that would be. I am trying to push a little creative writing into my work these days. In my battle with cancer, I have been thinking about trying to write about it in a creative way. We’ll see…
I would love to hear more about your creative process. 🙂 Your blog posts are such a delight and inspiration and I’m so happy you’re able to turn that into books of things you love. 🙂
I would love to read more about the creative process of putting a book together!
Heidi, you are just so inspiring to me, and to other people! Your photography, your recipes, your writing, and everything else makes me want to do what I love doing!
I purchased your book, when I first learned of your blog, when I began blogging in April of last year. This time around, I will have been a long-time reader of 101 Cookbooks and a fan of you, your book, Super Natural Cooking, and the new book, Everyday Super Natural Cooking.
Heidi, you are real inspiration to many of us! 🙂
Hooray! NSC hasn’t quite made it to the ‘toehold cookbook shelf–it’s stacked on the fridge with the other regularly used cookbooks, stuffed with recipes from the site.
Congratulations, that’s great news! I’ve been cooking from SNC this past week, and I look forward to having another book of its kind on my shelf.
I love Super Natural Cooking and can’t wait for your new book. Please include us in the process of creating it. I would love to hear more about it!
“a series of posts focused on the creative process of making this book”
yes please!
Congrats! I’m very excited about the new book, and I would love to hear more about the process! I’m always excited (giddy, almost) when I see that you have a new post, because invariably it’s something that sounds and looks delicious. I remember the first time that I saw Super Natural Cooking – I tried to make a list of recipes to try, and ended up jotting down virtually ever recipe in the book. I look forward to having this experience all over again in 2011 🙂
I’ve just come from baking two batches of your cookies: the Nikki’s Healthy Cookies and the Carrot-Oatmeal cookies. I simply adore both cookies, and have just been raving about ’em—and the sushi bowl, which I’ve also made recently—to a close friend.
I then happen to check your (freaking awesome, my favorite ever) blog and what do I find? Another amazing cookbook is in the works. In a word: HUZZAH!!!!!!!!
Best of luck from Washington DC,
I, for one, would be very interested in learning your creative process. Being a “numbers person” by day, but trying to cultivate my creative side during all other times of the day (and sometimes a little while at work…shh), hearing how others do it would be very enlightening.
I only recently found your site but have made probably almost two weeks worth of dinners from your recipes. All of the ones I’ve chosen have been super easy (read: weeknight friendly) and incredibly healthy. I have thoroughly enjoyed the recipes that I have tried so far and am excited at the prospect of more to come.
Congrats and good luck!
I have been waiting for you to make an announcement like this! Your cookbook and blog have been a huge influence in changing my cooking these last couple of years. I am so glad you are focusing on the everyday, simpler recipes, these are the most valuable. It is when there isn’t a lot of time that it is sometimes easier to cook in a non-healthy way (at least that is what our culture tells us). Along this vein, I have been wondering if sometime you could do a blog post focusing on freezing foods. Such as what recipes can be frozen and reheated with good results. Just the information that you have provided before that I can freeze cooked beans and cooked grains has helped me so much.
this blog and super natural cooking are two of my favorite sources for cooking and inspiration. your aesthetic and photos are so perfect for the food on this blog and I really look forward to the next book. the first one is just a pleasure to look at even when I am not cooking from it.
What fantastic news. I love Super Natural Cooking and will eagerly await the new book. I particularly admire your design sense and all those gorgeous high res photos. As much as I enjoy food blogs, there is something wonderfully tangible and tactile about a book that you just don’t get from a computer screen. In your case your website and book compliment each other perfectly.
DRIED cranberries 🙂 Not fried, ha!
SO so excited about the new book! Can’t wait for Spring 2011 to arrive! I adore Super Natural Cooking and make AT LEAST one recipe from it per week, if not from this site 🙂 As a matter of fact, I made the Baby Bran muffins today with walnuts and fried cranberries and they are divine! And we had the Asparagus Tofu Stir Fry the other night. Yum! Cannot wait for the new book…and I would be so happy if you posted about the process of it all! Right up my alley 🙂 You’re amazing Heidi! Keep it up 🙂 Thank you for blogging!
Congratulations! It would be great to see and learn more about your creative process, I’d love it if you would share!
I frequently visit (pore over, try, treasure) your blog ideas past and present, and would love to read your insights into the process of turning your ideas into the next phase of cookbookery; it’d be a pleasure to hear more about the start to finish.
yaya! can’t wait for your new cookbook!
Heidi, your website and your first cookbook are a huge part of my everyday life; not a week passes without my making at least one of your personal recipes or one of the recipes you feature here (tonight I’m making Tassajara Warm Red Cabbage salad). I love how easily your recipes will accommodate variations in ingredients. Living in Wyoming, it’s sometimes difficult to get certain things, particularly fresh, high-quality produce in winter months, but I can always find a recipe here on your blog for what does look good at the store. This website is such a great resource for me to that end.
I’m thrilled to hear you’ll be writing a new cookbook. I like the idea of reading more about the process here too.
I love that photo montage on the wall. I want to do something like that behind my couch but with picture frames.
I’m excited for your new book!
I’ve been reading your book and blog for months and months now and have found your replacement of nutritionally devoid ingredients with their much heartier and more flavorful counterparts to be a huge inspiration for my own cooking. Your cookbook is gorgeous, and any insight you can share with us on the subject of creating such a work would be greatly appreciated! Keep up the wonderful work that you do. You’re helping many people on the road to recovery.
How exciting, can’t wait to see it and snatch one up! I really hope you do share your inspiration and process for creating the book. I love the food you create and none of your recipes have ever been disappointing, thank you!
How exciting, can’t wait to see it and snatch one up! I really hope you do share your inspiration and process for creating the book. I love the food you create and none of your recipes have ever been disappointing, thank you!
Congratulations Heidi! I can’t wait to read it. Your recipes have become the core of my cooking. I will love reading whatever you share with us along the way. All the best to you through this incredible process!
Wow. This is great news. I love your first book and I am thrilled to hear that another is on the way. The photography here and in Supernatural Cooking is absolutely beautiful. And this place here, (your blog), is really warm and welcoming. It’s a great feeling, seeing something so wonderful and someone so deserving succeed. Congratulations Heidi.
All the best,
I would love to get a glimpse into your process! I have Super Natural Cooking sitting with me in my creative space because I just love looking at it. I love your photographs and the way they all come together so beautifully. I flip through the pages often. Your site and cookbook have definitely influenced the way I eat, the way I feed my family, and strengthened my appreciation for the beauty of food. So, I guess this is my longwinded way of saying…yes, I am definitely interested to see how you work!
Congratulations on taking the leap for your next book. I would love to hear more about the creative process as it unfolds. I have enjoyed many of your recipes over the past six months since I discovered your blog.
ohhh, can 2011 come any sooner?! so fabulous, heidi, and no doubt, the book will be a huge success. would love to read more about the inner workings and creative process involved with producing a manuscript and eventual book.
I am so excited for you and can’t wait to see the finished product! Many thanks for making my life healthier and more delicious.
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