Broth Love – Nine Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

Nutrient-rich, plant-based vegetable broths are great to have on hand, and there's no reason not to make XL batches to keep in the freezer. A collection of invigorating, vegetable-based power broths.

Broth Love – Nine Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

My love for good broth is strong. And, now that we've rounded the corner into fall, I thought I'd follow up last week's blender soup recommendations, with a collection of invigorating, vegetable-based power broths. Key word here - power. I like a strong broth, and will argue that there are few things that can make you feel more revitalized than an good one. Nutrient-rich plant-based broths are great to have on hand, and there's no reason not to make XL batches to keep in the freezer. While they're incredible on their own, they're also nice to keep on hand for quick weeknight meals. You can always float a few dumplings, or stuffed pasta in a flavor-packed vegetable broth. Or, use one of these broths as the liquid called for in grains, risottos, or rice dishes. Enjoy! -h

1. Immunity Broth - (101 Cookbooks)
I'm going to kick this off with a favorite, a monster white pepper broth. White pepper with jolts of ginger, and stabs of garlic. I like it just shy of scalding, racing down my throat, sweeping through my sinuses in one boisterous, fragrant swoop. Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

2. Rebecca Katz's Magic Mineral Broth - (Rebecca Katz)
A beautiful master broth from Rebecca. Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

3. Ten Minute Instant Pot Mushroom Broth - (101 Cookbooks)
You can use this Instant Pot mushroom broth a thousand different ways. If you have dried porcini mushrooms, a few cloves of garlic, salt, pepper, and a bit of thyme, you're in business. Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

4. Homemade Vegetable Broth with Buckwheat Pancakes - (Dagmar's Kitchen)
I love love love this concept. Sonja takes a traditional brothy Austrian alpine soup and updates it with this veg-friendly version. A beautiful homemade vegetable broth hosts a tangle of buckwheat pancake strips. Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

5. Dragon Carrot Broth - (Hungry Ghost)
I came across this broth when I was writing this blended soup round-up, and it inspired this follow up post. The one you're reading. Andrea serendipitously comes across this broth after boiling vibrant dragon carrots (for a pie). The liquid remaining in the pot is what you see here. She brilliantly adds a bit of grated ginger, and magic happens - red dragon broth. More details here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

6. Green Curry Broth - (101 Cookbooks)
A beautiful, thin green curry broth, fragrant with garlic, lemongrass, and ginger. With heat from serrano chiles, and zings of tanginess on account of the fresh lime juice. Cumin and coriander seeds keep things grounded, and a flurry of freshly chopped herbs are there to make the sky open up. Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

7. Red Curry Lemongrass Broth - (Love & Lemons)
At first glance, you just know this is good. I use water in place of the vegetable stock called for, and adjust the amount of curry paste to my liking. Or, play around with a homemade curry paste here. Great jumping off point in general! Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

8. Gut-healing Vegetable Broth - (Wallflower Kitchen)
A vibrant, vegan alternative to all the bone broths out there. Keep all your vegetable trimmings throughout the week in a freezer bag, and make a big batch of this on a Sunday. Love that Aimee's broth is mushroom and seaweed boosted. Also(!) play around with the different dried mushrooms you use. They all lend a very distinct flavor and nutrient profile (or create your own blend!) Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

9. Ashley Neeses's Healing Broth - (Ashley Neese)
Ashley uses quite a long list of plants in this broth adding to its depth, and nutritional profile. Don't skip the brightening squeeze of lemon (lime) when serving! Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

Bonus! Japanese Clear Onion Broth - (Living Chirpy)
A reminder of just how good a simple onion broth can be. Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out

Bonus! CAP Beauty No Bone Broth - (101 Cookbooks)
Bone broth is all the rage. But I don't cook with bones, so I'm always trying to come up with nutrient-dense, mineral-rich broths that check all the beneficial boxes. This is a versatile go-to favorite. Get the recipe here.

Vegetable Broths that will Invigorate you from the Inside Out
And if you're ready for more inspiration, here's where you can browse all the soup recipes. Play around with these broths to make your own version of wonton soup. There are few things better than plump dumplings in a good, strong, flavorful broth. 

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Hi Heidi! Loooong time fan here, and simply love your recipes and writing. I came here in search of a broth recipe– I had a feeling you had a homemade version– and to my very pleasant surprise, you have soo many! Yay, I can’t wait to make all of these. Thanks, Heidi You rock. ✌️ Be well ♥️


    Hi Sunnie! Thanks for the note. There are also a bunch of great ones in the back of Super Natural Simple. xo!

    Heidi Swanson

Best anti bone broth ever is pot likker which is made when you fix a pot of collards. It is good for what ails you! Shake on a bit of ACV and/or hot sauce and enjoy in good health!
1 lb collard greens or turnip greens
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
8 pieces crumbled bacon (or ham hock or salt pork)OR Plant Based Smoked Sausage
3 cups chicken stock or broth OR veggie broth
pinch pepper
pinch red pepper flakes
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil

In a large pot on your stove top, put some oil in the bottom of the pot and cook the onions until they soften, around 5 minutes.
Add garlic and cook until you can smell it (about a minute or less).
Add crumbled bacon or ham hock to the pot.
Put in a pound of greens and, using tongs, get all the greens coated with the onion, garlic, and oil mixture.
Pour stock over the greens, cover, and cook for around 45 minutes until wilted.
Dish the cooked greens out with a large spoon or soup ladle and enjoy the excess pot likker.

Georgia Peach

Have been getting more into homemade broths lately — less waste and packaging, bright flavors…thanks for these! A recent fave is based on your IP Mushroom broth, but adding 1-2 6″ pieces of dried kombu (+ salt to taste afterwards0 and doing 8 hours of slow cooking instead of a pressure-cook. Such a comforting, earthy one.


Making homemade broths was a revelation to me… you control the flavors, the intensity. I am especially eyeing that immunity broth with its strong, pungent aromatics.

Sarah | Well and Full

oh my, i’m in veg broth/soup heaven with two roundup posts in a row! You’re broth outlines in your books + here on the site are in constant rotation in my kitchen. keeps me nourished daily. thank you much, heidi 🙂


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