Favorites List (08.08.15) Recipe

An overdue favorites list, and a few favorite things from around the house...

Favorites List (08.08.15)

And a few favorite things from around the house, pictured above clockwise from top left. Leaves & Flowers Rosella Mint I drink it cold-brewed & iced, fresh marjoram, white pine deodorant, natural fiber jewelry, dried flowers. xo -h

- True West

- Stiv Wilson is not much of an exfoliator.

- Nettle Bread with Wild Herb Curd

- Thankful for this - the pre-order for Near & Far is one of the top new releases in Vegetarian Cooking & Natural Foods. For anyone who wants a bit more of a peek, a short preview page here.

- Lucky Peach + Liz Prueitt

- I like the idea of having just 10 pieces of clothing.

- A good listen: Bubble Houses

- One Night Kachka

- Nigel Slater + Dumplings

- This is going to be good - Andrea Gentl and Martin Hyers hosted by Aran Goyoaga.

- This twist on Kale & Coconut Salad.

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I clicked through to Homespun Capers and I love what I’ve seen there so far! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂

Sarah | Well and Full

I’ve been using that exact scent of the Adama deodorant for over a year now and I love love love it. It’s a bit sticky in the summer, but I’m never stinky; and it doesn’t clog my pores like the Lavanilla sample I’m trying does…


Love this list. The Leaves&Flowers rosella mint herbal infusion sounds wonderful!

Mary Frances

That Adama deodorant is the best natural one I’ve tried in a while. Usually I feel like most of them should be emblazoned with a sticker that says “DOES NOT WORK,” but so far I’m a big fan of it. Watching that dumpling video tonight 😉


Ok, I’m always on the hunt for deodorant without anything bad whatsoever in it, or I vow to wear none at all! And that means not leaving the house I guess….chemicals. blah. Anyhow, I’m such a fan of the less is more philosophy. I have very few clothes and the ones I have are almost always used. I scored a pair of white, lucky brand shorts size 2 from the Salvation Army for 2 buck!!! Lucky Brand!!!! I was so happy and I get so many compliments on them.

Laura ~ Raise Your Garden

I love this favorites list, Heidi. That closet cleanout article has the best tips I have seen in a long time for narrowing down essential pieces of clothing. And ironically just did a clean skincare post highlighting a few favorite aluminum-free deodorants, so I’m happy to learn of another brand that gets the seal of approval by others.

Katie @ Whole Nourishment

Thank you so much for linking to my recipe Heidi! I am touched and honoured, and so glad you like the recipe!
I’ve been reading your blog and books for a good decade now, and you’ve always been the greatest inspiration to me. My site is very new in comparison, so this is such a thrill! Thank you so much again! Liberty xx

Liberty Browne

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