Favorites List (4.25.13) Recipe
A long overdue favorites list - some great reads, a sprinkling of recipe links, and hopefully a good number of things to inspire.

If my count is correct, this is the second favorites list of the year. There was one in January, and now this. I kept ferreting away links, and never got around to organizing them. Apologies. My hope is that perhaps what I lack in frequency is somehow made up for here in quality. Enjoy the links, and I'll be back early next week with a recipe for what has become my favorite, go-to, springtime soup. xo -h
- To see: Stolen Seas
- I read this / then this, then this, and now this
- Twelve Countries, One Bag (via Naomi Starkman)
- Braised Fennel Wedges with Saffron and Tomato
- Pretty sure I would have cried.
- Go here.
- Shiny Ponies
- Asparagus, Preserved Lemon & Green Garlic Pasta w/ Ricotta Mint & Pine Nuts
- Sight Unseen | Brian W. Ferry
- To stay.
- Francois Brunelle - I'm not a look-alike (via Elise)
- She was completely undone by these beans...
Lead photo: a handful of the simple things - homemade bread, flowers, butter, and honey.
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I suspect my chilly SF kitchen is indeed slowing things down — it’s reassuring to know that you’ve had a similar experience. I am really impressed by your loaves, which frankly look better than the one on our counter from Tartine! Thanks again for the references.
Some belated book ideas for you:
“The Soul of Money” Lynne Twist
“World Enough & TIme” Christian McEwen
The ultimate cold cure sounds pretty tasty and similar to one I know; the Braised Fennel with Saffron was a solid share too. I have to go through the rest of those, but I’m afraid I don’t have time for that many links at once! Cheers to a batch of that cold cure for my little ones, thanks!
Starboard Sea was very good – thanks for the recommendation!
I just made the braised saffron wedges tonight for dinner. Seriously out of this world.
Loved The Starboard Sea! Have you tried The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards?
HS: Thanks for the tip Shannon!
Ah! Francois Brunelle! I Have been following him for years, waiting for him to collect enough dopperganger photos for a book. It is a very fascinating project. He also has a facebook page where some hopefuls try to find their look-a-likes.
Thank you so much for the suggestions, Wayne. I don’t have the fortitude to bake yet since I am trying to boost my confidence that I have a well-trained starter. I suspect my chilly SF kitchen is indeed slowing things down — it’s reassuring to know that you’ve had a similar experience. I am really impressed by your loaves, which frankly look better than the one on our counter from Tartine! Thanks again for the references.
The article 12 countries 1 bag was interesting, but I like my formula better. I wear 100% linen, except for cotton panties, synthetic bras. 3 bras, 3 panties (1 to wear, 1 to wash, 1 drying. ditto for the bras.) I bring 3 pairs of pants, 3 lightweight shirt/jackets, as many blouses as I can fit into my 21” suitcase. Three main colors that will allow for mixing it up (like navy, beige, coral). 3 pairs of shoes. A linen scarf/shawl. A pashmina. The advantage to linen is that it airs out; I don’t shudder at wrinkles but stinking to high heaven grosses me out. My PJs are linen, too. I’ve only gone for 3 weeks, not 51 days, but I really work at not carrying things I don’t wear.
The Tartine sesame loaf! I have spent the last two weeks attempting to nurture a starter because the sesame loaf sells out so quickly! My starter grows by about 25-35%, slowly (over about 6-8 hours), and then falls again and smells sour/yeasty. My internet sleuthing suggests that other established starters double, but it doesn’t say how much growth to expect in the Tartine book. Any thoughts from a successful baker?
Hi Meg! Wayne here – It can go through cycles of rising and falling, so it’s probably a matter of waiting longer. It depends on the temperature of your kitchen, but sometimes when it’s cold and I leave mine overnight, it’s dense and closer to 25% risen than 50%. A 62 degree San Francisco kitchen is much different than a 78 degree bakery. I either wait a few more hours, or put it on the warm stove. It then passes the “float test.” I would focus on it being somewhat fluffy and gassy and not worry about the smell, which unless it’s repulsively sour, is difficult to communicate in words. There are many bread sites http://www.thefreshloaf.com is one I look at, a few blogs that focus on the Tartine book, and when it comes time to shaping, watch some videos.
Always love your lists, Heidi!!
I LOVE your favorites lists! Sending love from nevada city xxxooo
I love the travel packing one! I’ve been needing some good ideas for how to live out of one suitcase for a month.
Great links..I loved looking at the one about traveling light…I have a problem with that! 🙂
Thanks you two! Big fan of Sight Unseen! Brian’s photos are right up my alley!
Hope to see you both in the near future!!
Great list 🙂
Really like the interview with Kim Gordon. Sonic Youth was my favorite band for many years. Her divorce from Thurston marks the end of an era for music.
Your lead photo had me. I’m making bread this weekend for a dinner we are hosting. As you alluded – it’s t he simple things that are best. Thanks for the lovely post.
Lovely! That bread looks amazing – just the kind of loaf I’d like to learn to make. Is it one of your own recipes?
HS: Hi Era3 – Wayne bakes it a couple of times a week from the Tartine Bread book/technique.So good!
the bread looks perfect – I have the feeling to smell the fragrant and to hear the crackling from cutting. may I ask – which recipe you have taken? enjoy your day,, warm reagrds susanne
Thanks for sharing these, I’ve just added A Sweet Spoonful to my compulsory blog reading!
Thanks for the links – I just opened up like 8! Have a great weekend!
Hi Heidi! I always, always love going through your favorites list. I’ve discovered so many wonderful things because of that. Just yesterday a friend of mine brought back a packet of zaatar (just the leaves) and I am so excited to try as make my own. I can’t get the pictures from your zaatar out of my head! Even when I woke up this morning I was thinking about it. The one thing I am uncertain about is determining the quality of the sesame seeds – how do you know they’re good or do you just go with a particular brand? It’s easy to tell the bad stuff because it’ll just smell off but I thought I’ll ask the queen of whole grains and healthy foods. 🙂
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