Favorites List (5.19.12) Recipe
A springtime favorites list, and a glimpse of the project I've been working on.

Happy weekend all. I thought today would be a good day for a favorites list. I also thought it might be time to share the earliest glimpse of what I've been working on for the past couple of months - QUITOKEETO. I'll do my best to pull a few more details together for you (and wrangle a recipe into shape) for later in the week. Until then -xo:
- Le Shack
- The Secret Life of Alan Z. Feuer
- Happenstance. Running into Jesse in NY.
- Act Three. Mimis in the Middle.
- Whoops
- When Michelle Obama Came to Lunch
- Reading: this / Next up: this
- For the floors. And the ceilings.
- Dream get-away.
- Subway tile & Sherwin Williams
- The Alphabet Book a few of you were curious about in this post.
- For the next road trip.
- Pakoras & Chutney
- Enjoying this monthly newsletter / sign-up at page bottom (via Kristina G)
- Daniel Patterson's Poached Scrambled Eggs
- Perfect cocktail ice.
Lead photo: Detail of a stunning green tile wall I came across in Marrakesh.
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Love the favorites posts! Always find something cool to mull over….
Absolutely great post!Thanks for sharing!
I love the way you write your blogs! Yummy, yummy! Looks delicious!!!
Even though the story was set in London, that “for the floors” house, as is, was exactly what I was picturing when I read The Poison Tree by Erin Kelly. Fun list!
I love your favorites lists. They keep me entertained and from getting my homework done. Thanks! =) Kacie
I lved the idea of rubarb jam, iI’m gluten free, is there something I can use in placeof the Wheat Beer?
Thanks bubbiefay
Thank you for the articles (esp the Alan F one), I hope to see more!
The poached eggs sound amazing! Love your favorites list, Heidi! Xo
Hi Heidi,
Can you allow links to open up in a different window ? Hate having to back up and click on next item in fav lists.
Thanks! 🙂
best ever list. loved le shack although I might not be able to survive there. crazy about the artist’s studio and it led me to that of zina al-shukri and her work is amazing. the fettucini from gramercy tavern uses only a bit of fat and yet, from having been there two magical times, I know it will be unctuous and wonderful. thanks for giving us these lists occasionally. they can’t come too often for me.
I love your fav lists. They’re full of pretty rad stuff.
I’m definitely gonna try those Poached Scrambled Eggs. They look amazing!
Thank for sharing
Yummy oatmeal bread….It came together so quickly and so tastily, I only had time to prepare a quick asparagus soup. A combination of roasted sesame and caraway seeds and a bit of European butter made for quite a nice Sunday night supper.
Thank you!
Heidi! You won a JBF Award, Congratulations! And you beat out famous Ellie Krieger, WOW, that’s awesome! I hope to see a post all about how that nomination came about and the awards ceremony.
Btw, I’m a new reader of your blog, a fabulous friend gave me Super Natural Every Day and I’m loving it. Thank you!
Another fab list….particularly enjoyed reading the Michelle Obama comes to lunch article!
Quitokeeto! Catchy name, I better start saving up! I can only imagine the all the goodies you’ll have to offer. Great round-up, as always. I’m off to go explore all these new open tabs. 🙂
Hey Heidi, speaking of favourites, you were just named cookbook of the week in the main Irish newspaper, the Irish Times!
Irish vegetarian food has come a long way since 1990 when I went veg, and it’s a sign of more good things to come to see your book get attention here. Meantime, I have been making your recipes for everyone, and spreading the word! http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/magazine/2012/0519/1224316257300.html
company coming for dinner tonight. Made the parmesan cheese spread!!! One of our favorites.
Thanks for including my write up of Palazzo Margherita in your list of favorites. Hope you get to visit it some time soon!
I love the scrambled egg technique and look forward to your new store.
Thank you so much for compiling these lists, I always find tons of inspiration! Let me know if Cairo is ever on your list of places to visit!
Heidi, I thought you might find this mid-century subdivision of houses in a suburb of Columbus Ohio, named Rush Creek Village, of interest. I grew up near this area and had a good friend who owned one of the original homes, built to be affordable for people such as Ohio State University professors and others. Here is one home:
Check out the photos!! I was fortunate to became friends with the designer of the homes for a while. He was not an architect, but worked with Frank Lloyd Wright on some of his projects. Van Fossen designed his first home when he was 19. This is a wonderful development more people should be aware of. It’s on the National Register of Historic Places. Another link from article in New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/24/garden/lost-and-found-obscurity-becomes-it.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm
You can find other photos online.
thank you for this list. i just peeked at the book you’re reading and am intrigued. do you like it so far? i’m dedicating this sunday to going through your archives 🙂
Once you finish “Wild,” consider picking up “Once Upon a River” by Bonnie Jo Campbell. I’m devouring it even faster than the first.
Thank you so much Heidi for your link. I ADORE your lists but never in a million years dreamt that I’d be IN one.
I’m intrigued by Quitokeeto. I can’t wait to try poached scrambled eggs!
Great link: interview with Tamar Adler. An Everlasting Meal was a most inspiring read!
Genius scrambled poached eggs idea. We’re getting at least three eggs a day from our tiny flock so I will try this idea out very soon. There are all manner of hidden gems in Food52.
HS: agreed!
I need rhubarb beer jam! I recently just tried my hand at canning. Hot pepper jelly. I need beer jam though…sounds perfect 🙂
You’ve got me, Quitokeeto? Signed up, totally intrigued. +
I owe you big thanks, made popsicles for friends with a riff on your rosewater rhubarb syrup – brought the house down. Thanks so much!
All awesome favorites! I especially like the rhubarb beer jam! 😉 Hope you’re having a relaxing weekend.
I have been making those poached scrambled eggs, I love them. And I made a rhubarb brown sugar jam recently–next up, thanks to the link above, rhubarb-beer jam! I love the diverse flavors I’ve gotten to know thanks to you, and I look forward to this one. 🙂
“Quitokeeto”? What might it be… I signed up with high anticipation – the name is super squeaky, btw 🙂 Also, the mosaic pic is gorgeous. I loved those I saw in Chefchaouen and Fez. I so want to go to Morocco again! Lastly, I am making both your bran muffins and your frittata tonight.
You make me happier in many different ways. Thank you, thank you.
I love your favourites list! Can’t wait to work my way through this.
Thank you again for such inspiring links Heidi!
What a nice favorites list. I bet you Got home with so much inspiration. Nice weekend to you!
I *knew* that wall felt familiar somehow! I used to live in Morocco and miss the mosaics there so badly. How was your trip there? Did you just spend time in Marrakesh or did you get a chance to travel around more?
I’m seriously envying that shack! And excited for your latest project 😉
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