Favorites List (Spring 2011) Recipe

After all the support and enthusiasm I've felt in the past week, I thought it would be a nice time to turn the table a bit and link back to other people, projects, and things I'm excited about. I hope you enjoy this spring favorites list.

Favorites List (Spring 2011)

The plan today was to share a quick little ditty of a pasta recipe. Something I threw together for lunch this week that was super tasty. But as I sat down to type it up, it didn't feel quite right. As much as I want to get back into regular posting mode, your support for my new book has been exceptional, and kind, and - I don't know how else to say it - powerful. Last Tuesday, I looked incredulously at my laptop when Super Natural Every Day cracked the top #50 on Amazon. It has somehow gone on to hover around the #40 mark for the remainder of the week. Then there was the packed turnout at the book signing - to all of you who came out on a weeknight, thank you. And now #6 on the (!?!) New York Times Bestseller list.

The last week has definitely felt great, but also very "me, me, me" - So I thought it might be a great time to turn the table a bit and do a favorites list. I'll type up the pasta for the next go-round, but in the meantime, it just feels good to be able to link back to other people, projects, and things I'm excited about. Share a little link love, you know? It has been a while. I hope you enjoy:

- Enjoyed this documentary. And this is next on my list. And this one.

- Fantasy Vacation Spot.

- For when I someday set off to India.

- For when you need a laugh. Especially the part about learning to speak European.

- Dorie's Beggars Linguine

- A way to capture a web page, mark it up with feedback and notes, and send it as a PDF. via Jennifer Jeffrey.

- Lunch lady series on Oh, Joy!

- Abitare.

- Homemade Spoon Butter

- This nail polish.

- Cute behind-the-scenes J.Crew goes to Italy video.

- This photo Wayne took of his Grandma.

- Camelias are in bloom everywhere, and I love them. I shot the lead photo up in Point Reyes last week.

- Water color business cards.

- Currently, my favorite deodorant. Wild Rose. Update: my link triggered a reader email alert to this, then Weleda responded in the comments. I think at some point I'll try to tackle a dedicated post about this topic.

Although, now I'm bummed out. One of you just pointed this out to me.

- This video shot by photojournalist Steve Gong in North Korea.

- Harvey Faircloth inspiration board.

- Wild Flowers

- We cooked from Moro East and The Essential New York Times Cookbook early in the year, and now we've moved on to Rose Bakery - love discovering all sorts of great new recipes and flavor combinations. Next up: Nigel Slater's Tender V.1 for May/June.

- And for those of you looking for a bit of spring recipe inspiration. Have at it.

And just a last little reminder. I'll be doing one more SF Bay Area signing/potluck this Saturday, April 16, in Berkeley: details here.

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Hi Heidi,
I always enjoy your Favourites List (sorry I am Canadian)….this list was inspiring. Thank you. You introduce me to new things and some familiar ones. I am looking forward to buying your new book and not only trying the recipes, but enjoying the beautiul photography. All the best!!

Jo-Anne Lennard

Hack again?!


Congrats Heidi, this is my first time, here but will certainly not be the last. Your website looks very informative.

Neil Butterfield

I bought your book today from Amazon. I cant wait to get it next week! Congrats on it’s success. You deserve it for all your hard work.


i just came home from your meet and eat in berkeley, and immediately plopped on the couch and read your book cover to cover. thanks so much for the beautiful and inspiring cookbook. hope to see you in the east bay again!
HS: Thanks so much for coming Laura!


I LOVE this picture!!! I want to frame it and hang it in my living room :).


Can’t wait to check all this stuff out! Congratulations!! #6 on the NY Times?? That’s amazing!!
HS: Lovely site you’ve got Amaranthian!


Hi Heidi,
Congrats on the new cookbook!

Aqua Marine

Super Natural Every Day is currently in my cookbook holder front and center on the counter and I’m loving it. I see you’re also at the top (and throughout) the Epicurous website’s What’s New recipe section. Baked Oatmeal is 2nd from the top. Way to go.


Hi Heidi,
Congrats on the new cookbook, I had it preordered from Amazon back in September I think! I was so excited to recieve it that first day. I am a busy working(hair stylist) and mother of 2 little boys, who also finds time between karate and baseball to work in my love of cooking and pottery. Don’t ask I still don’t know how I do it! I am constantly cooking a meal from your cookbook and adding a twist(something fresh here and there) and now my husband says I ruined him for anything else! I also talk, talk, talk about 101 cookbooks with ALL my clients…I’m supposed to be talking hair but NOOOO food and you, you have been my muse for the last 3 years and I have been stuggling with weight for the past 7 years and finally after 1 year now and no diet, just portion control and good cooking and eating habits I have lost 42lb and maintained it, I really do owe it all to you and your love of food (the wonderful photography doesn’t hurt either!). Please keep up the good work, I love it and crave it! I wish I could be there for your book signings ( I would even camp out!) but alas, I live on the east coast in Pennsylvania, no such luck:( I tried even to find a friend or client who knew ANYONE out there but still came up blank…do you think anyone from the establishment where your signing at would get me a signing?!!!!! Hahaha! Thanks again your a hero in my eyes. With warm hearts and ovens on the East Coast…Michelle
HS: Thanks for the nice note Michelle. I’m so happy you’re enjoying the books. There’s definitely a chance I’ll be coming through Pennsylvania sometime in the future, I have friends and family there. And I’m chronically overdue for a haircut 😉

Michelle LaMaina-Phillips

Congrats on your Top 40.
I just ordered your new book on amazon, looking forward to posting some of your lovely recipes on my blog!
Stacey Snacks

stacey snacks

Congrats, 6 on NYT, that’s amazing! I was so excited when smitten kitchen posted your macaroons. My 2 favorite food bloggers!! Wish I lived in the Bay Area so I could attend a book signing!


Just have to say I absolutely love the cookbook, I just made the Little Quinoa Patties and they are fantastic!! Thanks!


A few things. First, I love your blog. Your photography is spectacular and the food always sounds delicious. The recipes I have tried have been yuh-MMY! Also, congrats on the new book. I don’t usually buy into those sites about the chemicals since if we look closely, probably many things produced in the modern world are slowly killing us and we cant always live in fear. But I just wanted to point something out. The woman from the company was trying so hard to make the point that the products are ‘all natural’, but don’t forget arsenic is natural and mercury is natural too. Just because something is natural does not mean it is not harmful. That goes for food labelling too… don’t believe all the labels…. go for real food, like the stuff from this blog!


Love the pink camellia! We had them when I was growing up.

Muffin Tin

Congratulations Heidi on the book. I love your blog and am a big fan.
When you visit India, specifically Bangalore, you must try this new upcoming brand of ice cream called Geddy’s (gogeddys.com), supposed to be the richest and the creamiest!


And top of MY Spring 2011 Favorites list?
Bravo! Love it. Keeping me sane and well-fed in this land of foie gras and steak frites in which I live. 🙂
Bisous from Paris,


I edited all of the J. Crew pieces, and am so glad that you liked the shoe one! Nice to know that some of my work made the favorites list! Your recipes make my favorites list all year long….Thx Heidi


I’m just loving your Point Reyes camelias image — very nice.

Denise | Chez Danisse

That’s so awesome your book was in the top 40! No easy feat for sure. Definitely deserving. Thank you for all your delicious recipes and kitchen inspiration!


Thanks for sharing! Congrats on all of your success!

Chrissy at www.MyFareFoodie.com

Heidi – just got your Yellow Split Peas and Greens recipe via the ‘Tasting Table’ Chefs’ Recipes. I’ve been a fan of your blog forever, but it was neat to get something of yours vis a different medium. Congratulations (and congrats on the new book, too!)!


I absolutely love and trust Weleda products. They are so good and full of great ingredients–been using them since having my first child in Europe 11 years ago. The certifications they have in Europe are way more stringent than anything we have here. I’ve always been perplexed with the skin deep on several lines I know to be safe.
Your new cookbook is amazing! I’m moving to the Bay Area this summer and I can’t wait to explore all the places/shops you mention.


the new book is gorgeous, I can’t wait to dive in, in fact I planned a potluck for friday night just to have an excuse to try out a recipe.
among my favorite things is Chicago in May. the lilac and peonies come into bloom and their fragrance is spectacular. it would be a lovely time for you to arrange a midwest book signing maybe? just sayin’.
cheers, laila


Hi! My name is Carrie and I work in communications for Weleda North America. Thank you so much for including our Wild Rose Deodorant in your list of favorite things. I wanted to provide some clarity on the Skin Deep issue. Weleda products are 100% certified natural and have been since we started making them 90 years ago this year. They are truly some of the safest, purest products on the market.
As I’m sure you well know, the EWG Skin Deep database was created to help each of us choose products with less questionable ingredients = healthier products! However, when it comes to evaluating natural skin care, and particularly European brands like Weleda, the database falls short. It is lacking in scientific studies and meaningful data on the safety of NATURAL ingredients, and for that reason, it cites them as potential concerns even though they are not. Many other brands in our industry and particularly European brands, like us, who follow the transparent INCI (Int’l) labeling standards, also receive higher and more hazardous scores on Skin Deep than their conventional counterparts. Fragrances are a particular area where Weleda is unfairly scored. According to Skin Deep fragrances are noted as potential neurotoxins and allergens. This assessment is based upon generic “fragrances.” Weleda uses 100% natural and pure essential oils–no synthetic fragrances at all. These are entirely different substances from their conventional, synthetic counterparts.
We have been working directly with Skin Deep to advocate for improvement on their databases so our healthy and purely natural products—made with organic and Biodynamic ingredients—are authentically represented as safe and effective alternatives to conventional products. I hope this helps. Please just let us know if you still have concerns. You can email me at [email protected]. Thank you! -Carrie
HS: Carrie, thanks so much for taking the time to explain your point of view. I know I’m not alone in being completely overwhelmed by the information by the range of skin care/cosmetic products on the market. It’s a really difficult realm to navigate. I love the idea of supporting products and companies who use natural ingredients, but I also know that just because something is 100% natural, doesn’t mean it can’t impact people negatively. If there are alternatives to the EWG database out there, I’m happy to have a look and potentially link to those as well. Again, thanks for weighing in. Maybe this is something I could do a more comprehensive post about at some point.

Carrie Ruehlman

Your book came in the mail yesterday and I’m finding myself reading it like a novel. I’m also pretty sure I’ve flagged 99% of the recipes so far… might as well forgo the sticky note method and cook everything at once…

Anne Marie

Not one to comment off topic but I just found out about you today via smittenkitchen; LOVE your site! I do the exact same thing with all of my baking books……. 🙂 I am curious as to your take on vanilla paste. I found it quite some time ago in my baking exploits and have used it ever since. It just seems so much better than vanilla extract, even though I have not checked out it’s health “benefits” or detriments.
Thank you,


NO WAY That’s my deodorant too! Bummed out.
Thanks for the list, Heidi! Great as always.


LOVED looking through my NEW Super Natural Every Day. Not only are your recipes delicious, but your photography is amazing. You make even a dried bean look beautiful. 🙂


Hi –anxiously awaiting my delivery of your new cookbook. You inspire me to be a more conscious cook. Love the Bill Cunningham NY film choice. Bill is such an inspiration and example of following your passion–just like you! Continued good luck……and come east!

Suzanne in NY

I have recently started a cancer nutrition focused recipe blog here in the UK, and your blog has been such an inspiration to me. I also love dipping in to SNC and can’t wait for the amazon delivery of your latest. Congrats on the ranking!

kellie @ foodtoglow.wordpress.com

Tonight experienced a wonderful moment when I landed on your site for the first time. I thought I was in 7th heaven. Just from using Google search I found more than what I was looking for. The page was from 2008 recipe for “Summer vegetables Cianfotta”. What a wonderful mouthwatering recipe. I can’t wait to give it a try. After the printing I traveled to your current page to get acquainted and was blown away with such healthy informative information that makes me feel healthy reading it before I attempt to prepare the recipes. In closing sending best wishes on your new cookbook and also enjoy your style of writing and more. Thanks for being here. I must admit I have a lot to study since you started back in 2003…LOL I might need new bifocals. Happy Spring!


Heidi, thank you so much for including my spoon butter post in this round-up!


We made the shrimp soup the other night, and it was delicious…yumyumyumyumyumyum

Azia Graham

oups – erbaviva… 🙂


Long time reader of your blog – love it!
And your last book – will become again one of my favorites – I read them like they are novels… 🙂
Regarding your “wild rose”, try Erbaviva Lemon & Sauge (made closer to home) and it’s fine…


Love this! I get excited when people with good taste, such as yourself, post round-ups like this. 🙂


I prepared the “Black Sesame Otsu recipe last night and it was really bitter. I was wondering if it was the vinegar that I used -Genmai-Su Koyu brown rice vinegar vinegar. Anyway I am really baffled by this and I would really like to hear from you as I REALLY want to try it again..
And your book is truly beautiful.

Monique léger

Congrats on the book!
You absolutely deserve it.. The book is absolutely wonderful!

Rocky Mountain Woman

Heidi….speaking of spring favorites…I received my copy of Super Natural Ever Day this morning…this book is my new spring favorite….absolutely stunning and very inspirational. Bravo!!!


Love this new list!!!
If you want an alternative to the weleda deo i would recommend dr. hauschka´s floral deo – it is completly clean and toxin free… http://tinyurl.com/6yhy7sm


I so look forward to your lists chock full of seasonal inspiration.
I must give a shout out to what I’ve discovered to be the cleanest, purest, hardest-working deodorant I’ve ever found. From the kitchen of Soapwalla http://www.etsy.com/listing/35641572/deodorant-cream


Heidi –
Love to cook your recipes and really sit down at a table to a well deserved meal.
Love those camellias!


What a great idea! I might have to borrow this idea to share some of my favorite links with my readers!

Jessica @ Dishin' About Nutrition

Heidi– I am LOVING the new book– I made the millet muffins and the cabbage and potatoes yesterday– both were terrific! thanks for the beautiful exciting recipes. NOTE– I am gluten free so I subbed 1 1/4c Bob’s GF flour mix, !/2c tapioca flour and 1/2c
sourgham flour– they came out light and tender.


I own and delight in Super Natural Cooking. I would love to purchase your latest inspiration, but would really like to have it in electronic format. I am currently living and traveling abroad; lugging books around (regardless of how beautiful) is not my idea of a good time.
Already put in a request at Amazon, but, truthfully, Indie Books is more my speed. Any suggestions on where to petition this request?


Hi Heidi
Your new book arrived just moments ago, left on my doorstep by my lovely postman. I am loving leafing through the pages so far and am marking recipes to make today and in the future. Wishing you lots of success and every happiness. It’s so wonderful to watch someone follow their bliss and be successful at it too. Thanks for all the inspiration. I love the layout and photos in the book too!


Wondering if you’re going to do a book tour that brings you to the East Coast …?

aka Mopsy

Yesterday your cookbook arrived here in Tel Aviv. It’s even more gorgeous than anticipated – the recipes! the aesthetics! Perfection!
Heidi, thanks so much for sharing your talents with the world.


Heidi – You are an inspiration. Amazon delivered your cookbook to me yesterday and so far I have enjoyed the introduction, the pictures and the tantalizing recipe titles. You’ve already inspired me to try new flavor combinations in the kitchen (carmelized strawberries and pineapple with crushed rosemary over greek yogurt). I will definitely be keeping your cookbook nearby. Thank you.


Love the SN Every Day.
So, much so that we
are sponsoring a giveaway
along with a review & tons
of inside photos of the book.
The Kale Salad & Wild Rice
Casserole are our favs!
Congrats & Cheers!

Your book is BEAUTIFUL! The photography, the quality of the paper, the layout. My new favorite cookbook. I work at a bookstore in CT and will be hand-selling like mad. Congratulations!

Tricia Tierney

Heads up everyone….the ravioli salad is a huge winner. The husband had two helpings and is asking to invite friends to share. I love this cookbook.. Also take advantage of the ” cherry moment” and try the whole grain salad. I made it with wild rice. Fantastic!


Serious congrats on all of your success! I recently stumbled upon your bog and I’m hooked!
Also love the water color cards… great idea for fun invitations too!


Wow, you’ve hit the big time – congratulations, that is SO cool.
I your favorites lists. Thanks for sharing!

linda nyc

Among my new favorite things: your recipes for oatcakes, sunflower seeds, kale salad, white beans & cabbage, and muesli. The first five recipes I tried have all been delicious, and I’m looking forward to the next five! Obsessed? Yes, a little. Thanks for being one of my favorite things about the internet and my cookbook shelf!
HS: Thanks Monica – it’s great to hear you’re liking the recipes!


I love your new cookbook. I just made the quinoa patties and loved the way they popped and crunched in my mouth. I topped with sour cream and salsa! I am looking forward to trying many more of your recipes.
I also joined your Kiva group. I recently saw the movie To Capture a Dollar and had no idea about Kiva. I had heard about the Grameen bank. Once I saw your link, i knew it was fate and logged on and made a $75 donation.
I love your site and your work. I wish my work was so value added as yours! I will support you as best I can! I send Love and Warm Fuzzies from Virginia!
HS: Thanks Jean – and welcome to our Kiva group – I’m long overdue on an update on that front.


Hi Heidi – I enjoy your blog! I just made the Basic Chocolate Cake again the other day for my husband’s birthday and we’re still grazing on it! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your list . . . the nail polish link is not working for me and I’m wondering if this is a problem that others are having and that can be fixed since the other links work just fine. (?)
HS: It’s the Butter three-free nail-polish. I’ll wait a couple hours to see what’s going on with Alyson’s site – hopefully its just a temporary outage.


Lovely list – many thanks for sharing.


oh my, i want to make every recipe in your spring recipes section!

laura @ glutton for nourishment

You’re a very kind and gracious woman. Congrats on your success. I got copies of your book for my daughter and d-i-l, best friends. Today I started with the granola…walnuts, orange zest, maple syrup Oh my! Thanks, Heidi for your passion and commitment to health eating.
HS: Glad you like it Joys!


Did you eat at Osteria Stellina a couple Saturdays ago? When you mentioned you were in Pt. Reyes it dawned on me that you were probably the pretty blonde woman who was talking to the chef! I was so envious b/c that is my favorite restaurant!
HS: It wasn’t me – we grabbed sandwiches at Cowgirl. We’ve been meaning to try it though!


Heidi I bought your cookbook last week – it’s wonderful! So far I’ve only made one recipe (the little quinoa patties) but I can already see it becoming one of my go-tos. Thank you for such a lovely book 🙂
HS: Thanks Kristina!


Wayne’s grandma looks spunky… and the spoon butter is on my to-do list, except I’m making it with coconut oil instead of mineral oil. I have gallons of it, it has a long shelf life and it makes my skin feel wonderful.
Thanks again for sharing a bit of the things that bring you joy!


Can’t wait to read your new cookbook! I’m going to try to make it to the Berkeley signing – so excited you’re coming to the East Bay 🙂 Btw – that link for website editing/commenting was super helpful! And the watercolor business cards are beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing!

Anjali Shah

Congrats on the success! Am coming to SFO from India on 19th May for my nephew’s wedding so will pick up a copy then … and when you do come to India, come and visit me in Calcutta (now known as Kolkata) where I will give you a taste of Indian street food, Kolkata restaurant food and Bengali home food.
HS: Thanks Deepika. I very much want to visit India!


Just received your new cookbook , Super Natural Every Day ,from Amazon. I have scheduled a strict time of 9pm to crawl into my bed with my copy and read a chapter a night just like a favorite bedtime story. I can’t believe that I’m reading a cookbook! I love your writing and how you put me at ease to be in the kitchen and make going to the market an adventure. It’s practical and super friendly! I also count your cookbooks as part of my design elements in my home! Thanks Heidi!


Can’t put down the new cookbook. In the past three days ave made the yummy roasted strawberries (twice), the millet muffins, and two chickpea dinners! Thanks!
HS: Thanks Laura, you’re hitting some of my favorites.


Great list! I love the lunch lady series 🙂

Anne @ Baking

This is a fun list! Thanks for sharing.

Maryea {Happy Healthy Mama}

I too bought your books! You deserve all your success. Not only because of beautiful, healthy, tasty cook books, but also because of your attiude towards your success. Your gratitude and appreciation of the way things are. Next up for me millet muffins 😉


The new cookbook is beautiful in every way. I have picked it up to read all week instead of an excellent novel I was reading, and I have already made three things. Thank you.

Judy Schwartz

Aww thanks for the suggestions! I like the same nail polish as you. Awesome.


Love your favorites lists! Always find such good inspiration. 🙂


Congratulations! It looks like a wonderful book : )


Love your Favorites Lists, thanks Heidi for sharing! Such a great source of fun websites n’ snipets of info!

The Healthy Apple

Hi Heidi,
Just wanted to let you know that your new book was one of the “Staff recommends” list in Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge, MA. I was excited to see it there. Congrats and best wishes.
HS: That’s great news Sangsom. thanks for the heads up.


I always enjoy your favorites list, Heidi. So perfectly brimming with beautiful things and inspiration. Thank you starting my morning in such a lovely way.

Dina Avila

I love these lists; they’re always so inspiring! And I can’t wait to get your cookbook; it will be my reward when I finally finish the first chapter of my dissertation. I’m sure it’ll be more than worth the wait.

Katy from DiningwithDusty

Congratualtions on all your success with the book. So great to see plant based foods getting the spot light they deserve. Thank you for all your dedicated and inspired work! Can’t wait until my copy arrives…

amy chaplin

*SQUEEAAALLLL* 😉 your book was just delivered today at my home in the netherlands and i am sooo excited to start reading it…think: will be curling up on the couch later on with a glass of wine & slowly turn the pages while devouring your gifts. i have your other book, ‘super natural cooking’ and it is well-worn with love & repeated use…thank you for sharing your many talents & bringing the best of inspirations out!
cheers! carol 😉


I was posting many of these on FB individually, and then I realized that I should just post a link to the page. Thanks for the list. I haven’t even seen them all yet…gotta get out in the nice weather on my day off.

Johanna W

Haven’t cooked from it yet, but am very much enjoying reading your new cookbook. I think it is better than the last one, which was really good. I think the new one seems more accessible, friendlier, down to earth.

Lisa W.

Your book arrived last night – squished into the mail box by the postman who clearly didn’t realise what a treasure he was delivering. I can’t wait to get stuck in!!


I love the watercolor business cards!


Heidi, what a lovely list to explore–and I’ve only just begun. Such discovery is as delicious as one of your recipes. Good luck on the book and continued success. Cheers!

Tom @ Tall Clover

Heidi! I am not a cookbook collector, and I own very few. Online blogs, allrecipes and my old standby Betty Crocker usually serve me well (but mostly online resources). But I had to have your cookbook!! Ordered it last week and have already cooked the Fritatta, and I have the White Beans & Cabbage on the menu for this week. Congratulations on all your success!!
HS: Thanks for your support Carrie.


Meet and eat- Ive never heard of such a thing, but I love it! If I wasn’t on the opposite side of the continent, I would be there in a heartbeat. Congratulations on the book, Heidi, and wishing you ever-growing success and opportunity 🙂


I’m always so happy to see your lists! So many interesting, cool things to check out. Thank you!

Alice @Northeast Locavore

we’ve had that ‘ways to be cool’ posted on our fridge at work for months, and it always makes me laugh! and ‘speak european’ is definitely tops (followed closely by ‘abercroombie & flitch’, and of course ‘irony’… thanks for sharing!


Oh, what a cute idea! Kind of like a spring version of Oprah’s favorite things without the Oprah part. I love it!

Kate from Scratch

I love this list. Would love to see water color business cards!

Maris (In Good Taste)

Just one thing about your Wildrose deo: i don’t know if you know that rosehip doesn’t smell very nice, so if your deo smells nice it must be due to some other component.
I am a big fan of rosehip as a facial treatment, i apply it on my face at night, and it leaves my skin very nice and smooth, but i have to be honest, the smell is rather off-putting, and it’s not that it’s gone rancid or anything, apparently that’s just the way it is. At the very most, you might find a make that’s odourless, but it never smells ‘rosey’.


If I had a dollar for every time I sat down to blog a recipe and didn’t do it……. 😉
Love the photo. SOOC? The color is so interesting.

Honestly Good Food

Love the list. Your photographs remind me to take a deep breath every now and again.

emily franklin

Thanks for yet another amazing list, Heidi.
I, too, am a fan of Butter London’s nail polish. ‘Fash Pack’ is still my favourite colour after about a year of wearing it!
I love that picture of Wayne’s grandma.
By the way, my order of your newbook is with amazon UK and I am still waiting – rather impatiently – for it!


Wonderful selection, thanks for sharing with us! I’m enjoying your new book so much, haven’t been able to put it down for days 🙂 I’m going to Paris this summer and Rose Bakery is at the top of my list of places to visit!


Thanks for the reminder that I wanted to check out “Tender.” I love link lists like this.
Am planning to make your millet muffins tomorrow!

Stacy (Little Blue Hen)

You will really like Nigel Slater’s ‘Tender’. both volumes are ever so good!


Ah, I love your “favorite’s lists” and wish I was going to be in the Bay area for your signing/potluck! Enjoy!


Great list of favorites! I’m off the check out the watercolor business cards. 🙂

J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog)

Loved the spoon butter and Grandmother Rose is lovely.

Laura @ SweetSavoryPlanet

“Learn to speak European,” that made me chuckle. I am very happy for your success Heidi and I’m looking forward to the upcoming pasta you talked about! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

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