Turmeric is a favorite of mine. I love the rich yellow-orange color and earthy, tempering flavor it brings to dishes. Steeped in history and tradition, over the centuries it has served many purposes – culinary, medicinal, and even as a textile dye. Traditional Chinese and Indian healing systems view it as a powerful anti-inflammatory, and it’s been used to treat toothaches, chest pain, menstrual problems, and colic. Recent studies have been looking into its exceptional antioxidant effects, and its combination of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects may help explain why people with arthritis report experiencing relief after consuming the spice regularly. Turmeric is thought to protect against a long and impressive list of ailments, including Alzheimer’s, liver dysfunction, cardiovascular problems, childhood leukemia, and certain types of cancer. Below is a list of favorite turmeric recipes for you to enjoy!