Lemon Coconut Sauce

A spicy lemon coconut sauce that is good on just about everything - noodles, frittatas, soups. Keep a jar in the refrigerator, and you can use it to make things special throughout the week.

Lemon Coconut Sauce

This sauce looks bland from here. I know. All that white. But it’s totally not. I've had a jar of it in the refrigerator for the past week, and it's one of those things that makes just about everything you put it on (or in) better. I go about making it in a mortar and pestle, but have done it in a food processor or blender in the past when I'm short on time. We're talking about garlic and green chiles worked into a paste, then bulked out with lots of scallions and cilantro. Coconut milk is the base, and the creaminess is balanced out with a good amount of fresh lemon juice.
Lemon Coconut Sauce in a Serving Bowl with a Spoon

How To Use This Coconut Sauce

This recipe makes a couple of cups (and it is quite rich), a jar goes quite a distance. Here's a list of how I've used it:

  • Drizzled on veggie burgers or tofu burgers.
  • Swirled into a simple pureed asparagus soup.
  • Small dollops on top of a sheet pan frittata.
  • Added to the filling of deviled eggs.
  • Drizzled all over a vegetarian poke bowl.
  • Used as a finishing touch spooned over a bowl of hot, creamy polenta.
  • Thin out with a bit of broth in a saucepan. Then sauté a couple handfuls of broccoli in it, add tiny pieces of tofu, a couple big spoonfuls of cooked quinoa, and some toasted almonds. Dinner.

There's still half a jar left and thinned out, it makes a really nice base broth for any number of soups. So, next up, I think I'll use it instead of a more traditional curry broth, in a big pot with lots of fresh vegetables, maybe some noodles.
Chiles Crushed in a Mortar and Pestle
Coconut Sauce Ingredients Being Crushed in Mortar and Pestle
Coconut Sauce Ingredients Being Crushed in Mortar and Pestle


Use full-fat coconut milk here, it gives the sauce better consistency and mouth feel. You can thin it out to your liking from there depending on how you're going to use it. Like I said, it's rich, but a little goes a long way. :)
Lemon Coconut Sauce in a Serving Bowl with a Spoon

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Lemon Coconut Sauce

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If you like things spicier, dial up the amount of chile.

  • 1 clove garlic, peeled
  • 1 medium jalapeno (or serrano) chile, deseeded and chopped
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine grain sea salt, plus more to taste
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil
  • 1 small bunch of scallions, thinly sliced (~8 scallions)
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped cilantro
  • 1 14- ounce can of coconut milk (full fat)
  • 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice, plus more to taste
  1. In a mortar and pestle, smash the garlic and chile into a paste along with the salt. Alternately, you can use a food processor or blender. Add the oil and the scallions, and smash or chop a bit more. Add the cilantro, pulsing the food processor / blender (if you're using it) just a few times.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a jar or bowl, and whisk in the coconut milk, then the lemon juice. Taste, and adjust with more salt or lemon juice if needed. Store in a refrigerator for up to a week.

Makes about 2 1/2 cups.

Prep Time
5 mins
Total Time
5 mins
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Thanks for getting back to me on my mortar and pestle question, Heidi. I’ll keep my eyes peeled.


I love the simplicity and adaptability of this sauce. I didnt de-seed the japaleno and put in an extra clove of garlic and it was excellent! I love how the creaminess and the fattiness of the coconut cream balances the spice factor.

Umar Ghuman

i’m so into sauces right now. thank you for this one. i want to make some and pour it all over fish and lick the plate.
thanks for sharing!


Any thoughts on how to thicken this? Had it last night with chicken and sticky rice and it was fantastic, but I’d love to use it as a dipping sauce for spring rolls and would prefer it to be a little thicker … any ideas?


I made this sauce for a Mother’s Day brunch with green salad, peel and eat shrimp, and fresh oysters to start. We had it with the shrimp, and it was amazing! Thanks, Heidi! I wouldn’t say it was super easy for a novice cook like me, but the flavors were so worth the work!
One thing I didn’t know: the smaller the chile, the hotter it is, so a medium-sized pepper is somewhat mild. I think I might try a smaller one next time!
Also, Heidi, thanks for always providing the inspiration, and the ability to have something unique my guests have not ever had before!

Belinda Smith

I made this today and it’s amazing!!! I cooked fish in it like Nitasha recommended and it was to die for!!! Thank you so much for sharing. It’s wonderful to find new recipes I can substitute for old dairy recipes.

Diana V

I can’t believe how much my husband loves this sauce! We tried it on hamburgers and it was amazing! It added a little fresh pop among the melted cheese and sauteed mushrooms. Thanks so much!


Hi Heidi – what a wonderfully versatile sauce! Used it on lentil burgers, on brown rice and asparagus, sauteed pancit and vegetables in it and then served it on top, mixed it with rice served with black beans in chapati, and I think I’ll use the last touch of it on some roasted red potatoes. Have also been enjoying your lovely rhubarb sauce with a touch of homemade Greek pastry syrup in place of rosewater. What a tasty few days it has been – thank you!


I had been expecting a bit more of a punch from it, to be honest… Maybe I got the proportions off. It is tasty, but I added some ground black pepper, a touch of lime juice, and a touch of ginger juice.. I think that rounded it out nicely 🙂


This sauce was amazing! A little goes a long way (might 1/2 it next time) – we had it on grilled tofu and veggies and grilled shrimp kebabs (not vegetarian, obviously, but really good)… 🙂


This looks amazing and I can think of so many things it would go with!!!

Deborah Dowd

Yum!!! Not only does your creativity taste delicious, but it also inspires others creative people to innovate… for instance, this has me thinking endless possibilities like using almond milk, cashew milk, and other rich and nutty bases for a delicious sauce!


I tweeked this a bit because of what I had around the house – didn’t have peppers so I added a big pinch of red pepper flakes. And I only had lite coconut milk – but I added a little bit of half and half and used lemon and lime juice. Had that with salmon which was delicious. Then I got busy and forgot it for a few days…added about 1/2 cup soy sauce, a few tablespoons of fish sauce and then marinated 2 lbs of shrimp for an hour in this mix. Grilled the shrimp on skewers….fabulous with a little rice, salad and a slice of bread.


This was lovely over salmon. I used basil instead of cilantro (I have a massive aversion) and half lemon/half lime since I needed the zests for something else. Thank you for the recipe!


A good reminder to try this – similar to the Indian recipes I’ve used. Some suggestions and substitutes that I haven’t tried but I feel will work – I’m a very instinctive cook and am always able to make substitutes 🙂
instead of citrus juices (like lemon_ you can use tamarind – it is available in a past form in South Asian grocery stores – or fresh in many chinese/korean markets – you need very little and can liquify it a bit in water.
Instead of cilantra (that I absolutely lvoe) , you can use parsely (especially the stronger flavored american parsley) or basil;
instead of sunflower oil, you could use (less of) peanut oil, which is strongr but blends well with basil and coconut.
I have to get some coconut milk and can’t wait to try it myself with substitutions based on what ingredients are handy!


Heidi this is DELICIOUS. Just had it over charbroiled asparagus, brown rice and puy lentils! I really want to try the quinoa-broccoli dinner idea but how much did you dilute it? And what do you use as broth?
Thanks for all the wonderful recipes, I cook from this site soooo often!


So simple yet so delicious looking! This sauce would probably be great with roasted lamb. Thanks!

Sarah from stainless steel knives

I love multi-purpose sauces like this. Awesome.

Oana from dishchronicles

OK , So 2 things…
First – I made this sauce… And served it on side with lemon rice… really delicious!!! the leftover also went quickly, from sandwich to parathas everything I used it with everything.
Second – I was just seeing ur lovely pics from Kinfolk Brunch, somehow it seems comments are closed on that post so I am leaving it here… Gorgeous Pics, I have been following their lunches virtually, all I can say what amazing group of talented artists!!
Yours pics captured the brunch beautifully.

Reem | Simply Reem

thank you so much for this recipe, I will definitely always keep a little bottle of this amazing sauce in my fridge ! I ate it in a improvised lamb sandwich today 🙂


wow. I just made this and used it to dress a wild rice and raw kale salad…. so good! Thanks Heidi, you are always a source of inspiration! I cannot wait for your rhubarb recipe.. I have a pound in the fridge waiting to be turned into something delicious.


Just the simple mention of coconut milk and I’m hooked! I would think any rice or pasta dish, over veggies gosh like you said endless possiblites. Thanks so much for sharing!


Oh. My. God. Made this tonight, used it as a simmer sauce for some seitan, broccoli, carrots, and cherry tomatoes, with Thai basil garnish. My husband declared it a major success. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Easiest, most delicious sauce ever.


Heidi – thanks for the ginger idea, that’s great and I’m going to try it out this weekend! Looking forward to the rhubarb recipe, my folks grow it, so last weekend we made a great syllabub, with yoghurt instead of cream, and the rhubarb poached in a glass of white wine. Sprinkle of brown sugar on top, which caramelised really nicely in the fridge. Thanks again for the ginger idea. xx


Hi there! So I saw that you posted a question about what you are supposed to do if you hate cilantro. Well…..honestly I don’t really know what to tell you! Cilantro has such a distinct and vibrant flavor. Nothing compares. So if you were to use say flat leaf parsely, it wouldn’t be the same tasting sauce because cilantro and parsely are as different as apples and oranges. My suggestion to you is to just use a little. Maybe throw it all in the food processor so you don’t get chunks of cilantro and it will all just be apart of the sauce. I suppose if you absolutely HAD to, maybe you can try some Thai basil. But once again, it won’t be the same sauce because it won’t have the same flavor profile. Cilantro is just something that is apart of many Latin, Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern recipes, as parsely/oregano is to Italian food. You could put oregano in Chinese food if you wanted to, but it wouldn’t taste right lol. Same thing with this sauce, nothing else really can substitute.


I am so thrilled to see that many people on here tried this sauce with fish! It truly is the best! When you bake the fish with the sauce, it stays so moist and and so flavorful. My mom made this a lot growing up (with a few variations- check my previous message above), and it was just one of my favorite things to eat on top of mounds of steaming basmati rice. I’ve never thought about trying it on veggies/eggs/nachos like others have suggested. Please, please, PLEASE try it on the fish. And not just a drizzle when it’s done cooking or basting it. I am talking about drownding your fish fillets in this sauce and baking it. It is to die for. My 5 and 3 year old love it. And so does my all American meat and potatoes husband. We use a lot of coconut and coconut milk in Indian cooking. It goes FABULOUS with seafood. We use it in all our seafood curries. I actually forgot to buy plain yogurt for my chicken curry, but had a can of coconut milk and it still turned out great! We don’t use it so much for the flavor, more so the creamy-nutty flavor it adds. Please try it with salmon/tilapia/orange roughy. So amazing! I promise you will enjoy it. Just add in the things I posted to add even more flavor to this already great sauce recipe. Enjoy


it’s so gorgeous.
i made it tonight, i might vary mint for the cilantro next time as one of mine is a cilantro deny-er.
i will love in with either or both.
thank you so much for this, Heidi!


This is perfect!!!
I can literary drink this sauce…
I am so making this like now…I have all the ingredients with me Yayyy

Reem | Simply Reem

Fantastic! I bet this combo is such an interesting and bold flavor! Great recipe– I will definitely have to try this out!

Sandy @ tinytinyfork

Sounds yummy….what veggie options would you use this on? Pasta, steamed veggies, others?
What are your favs?

Regina Phelps

Any dip/dressing/sauce that is made with cilantro goes on my list of “must make soon!” Thanks

Tricia @ Saving room for dessert

I made this today and used it on Talapia and mixed veggies. It was fantastic! YUM! My new favorite!!


Made this sauce, poured it over broiled salmon served with saffron rice & mesclun salad on the side. Fed it to a 6 yr.old who said “this is bangin’.” Translation: DELICIOUS. Tomorrow’s breakfast, whisked into scrambled eggs & poured over avocado slices!


I’ve never had sunflower oil. Is it similar to walnut or other oil? Is it worth getting for this sauce? Does it make or break it?

HS: Hi Myra – it’s one of those oils that is a bit less assertive than others – for ex: some of the nut oils, etc. Just go for whatever you have that is somewhat neutral, or something you can imagine going well with the flavor of coconut milk.


Looks like so great, i will do it this week. i love cilantro!

La Lechuga Lavada

Hi Heidi – how delicious does this look? Your ‘magic sauce’ has managed to transform many a dull egg dish, or steamed veggies, so I’m hoping this might do the same for rice bowls.
My question though is about the lemon juice – I’m allergic to citrus, and so jealous of all the lemon recipes you do. Do you have any suggestions for a replacement in this recipe? I thought I might try a rice vinegar, but you might have another idea? I’d be SO grateful (and am already spreading the word in Ireland about SNED).


    Thanks Emilie – how about mashing up some ginger – taking it in that direction instead. Maybe you’d need a touch of rice vinegar to balance it out?

    Heidi Swanson

brilliant — in flavor, if not color (though i think the all-white is dashing)
i’m thinking it would devastate a pan of roasted sweet potatoes…


    I think you’re spot on Molly.

    Heidi Swanson

I tried this: delicious (except I didn’t have lemon so used lime)

Ivona Poyntz

OK I had to pinch myself because I though I had died and gone to heaven.


This was perfect, featured in full on a bed of rice. (had it on sautéed tofu next day). I added a small bit of sugar. It reminds me of Indian coconut chutney using shredded unsweetened coconut instead of the milk, doting a fish fillet & then wrapped in a lettuce leaf, drizzled w/o. oil and baked. Thanks for the perfect rice & tofu sauce!


Oh my, a jar of this lovely sauce will be very welcome in my fridge! I can’t wait to make it. Thank you for sharing the recipe and all the ways you’ve enjoyed it.


looks delicious! thank you!!!!!!


Yum! Thanks for sharing your clever little sauce recipe, Heidi.


I just made this and heated up some leftover rice so I could try it immediately. It’s really tasty! However, my sauce is a beautiful bright green. How can yours be white with all those green ingredients? (jalapeno, cilantro, and a whole bunch of scallions)


    Hi Heather – Glad you liked it. And – It’ll be more green if you used a hand blender or food processor. Guessing that’s the route you went.

    Heidi Swanson

If I could teleport, I could get the ingredients faster… I CANNOT wait to try this!


I would never have thought of putting lemon and coconut together , however i have to say this looks delicious.

David Head

Sounds tasty. I can’t wait to drizzle some over roasted veggies.

Kim @ Cook With 2 Chicks

mouth is watering! Wondering how this would work with preserved (homemade of course) lemons?


This sauce was INCREDIBLE! I put it over quinoa, fresh green beans, and broccoli last night. YUM! AND…i just put it on some nachos with black beans and cheese….decadent. YUM YUM YUM.


This looks like a healthy and delicious sauce!

The Naturopathic Gourmet

Perfect, especially now that it’s starting to warm up outside. It kind of reminds me of tzatziki but with coconut.


The sauce sounds wonderful. I love having healthy products in my fridge that make dinner quick and easy.

Heather G

Wow this looks lovely, will have to try it out!

From Cupcakes, With Love

I am thinking summer, grilled white fish, and a glass of cold white wine…

Emilia @ Natural Activities

Does the type of oil you use make a significant difference? I always have good olive oil on hand, but other than that just standard vegetable oil.


    Give it a try!

    Heidi Swanson

Bland is definately not how I would describe that sauce, the title alone makes me salivate with the numerous things I can think of to use it with!

Ally @ Om Nom Ally

Oh, this combination sounds perfect! I definitely love having jars of homemade sauces and dressings just hanging out in the fridge for on-the-spot application. Thanks for the great idea!


looks so good!!


love it, as it is not milk based, can’t wait to try it. What happens if you use the low fat version of coconut milk.

Robin Antar

I think that sauce looks lovely, and I bet it tastes amazing too. Can’t wait to give it a try.


I truly enjoy some of your recipes. keep up the good ideas.

rosemary shelfo

Looks really delicious, and versatile. Love it!


You posted this at the perfect time, i’ve got scallions and cilantro in my fridge that needed a calling, this will do them well!


this looks divine. any thoughts on what a good herb substitute might be for the cilantro-averse?


Love the sound of using this sauce in a vegetable curry with noodles as a vibrant spring dish. Thanks for sharing this versatile sauce.

la domestique

This looks amazing. My husband can’t have dairy so I’m always on the lookout for good sauces! Thank you for this recipe!

Laurie @TendingtheGarden

I’m so excited you posted this because I actually have all of these ingredients in my house. I’ll try it tonight. Thanks!

Sarah @ Fresh Living

This sounds delicious, Heidi — and simple and versatile.

Sharyn Dimmick

I have become one of your biggest fans. I love the inspiration you give me for putting zest back into my cooking. Thank you.


It sounds delicious. I imagine it to be great for barbecue as well, chicken skewers dipped into … yummy!


Oh my! I cannot wait to try this! I already have a list of ten things I want to try it with. So wonderful! Thank you…


Great recipe! A perfect way to spice up all kinds of meals:)
x Danielle


What if you don’t have sunflower oil?


I have become a big fan lately of sauces and salsas. I am topping them on everything. My favorite combination is cilantro and lime. Sauces are great to way to transform a dish.

jackie @ marin mama cooks

OMG this sounds amazing! Wondering if there’s any difference in the flavor if you use food processor vs. mortar/pestle? I have 4 kids, so if the flavor isn’t any different, I’d go for the time saver – but if we’re talking about a serious difference, I’m always willing to go the extra mile for a more amazing recipe! 🙂


Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I meant to thank Lisa and Em Squared for the nice words and answer the cilantro question for @Jen. Sorry for the mix up! Lol


I could put this on pretty much anything! Yum!

Katrina @ Warm Vanilla Sugar

Thank you Em- Squared and Lisa for the nice words. To those of you who don’t like fish, I think chicken would be good with this. Maybe use some boneless- skinless chicken thighs, and toss in a crock pot with the sauce. That sounds like it would be good too. I love it on the fish though the best. People think it’s strange to add coconut milk to seafood, or that maybe it’s like adding cheese to an Italian seafood pasta dish. But the coconut milk does add some creaminess, mostly just flavor. It’s not a strong coconut flavor, just a beautiful nutty- buttery taste. And @Lisa, I know there are many people who don’t like cilantro! I’ve heard that cilantro is like peas, people either hate it or love it LOL. I happen to be on the love side, we put it in absolutely everything we make. But I suppose you can try some flat leaf parsely. Cilantro is such a strong flavor that you just can’t quite get from anything else. So my suggestion to you if you absolutely hate cilantro, use some flat leaf parsely. It won’t however be the same tasting sauce. Cilantro is VERY strong in flavor, and believe me when I say it does add a whole dimension of flavor. If you don’t hate it, just use a little less than what the recipe calls for. That will make it not as strong tasting for those who don’t care for it too much. I’m sorry, I wish I couldve helped you more!


I have only recently used coconut milk in my cooking – it’s delightful and this sauce sounds wonderful.

Tracy A.

I love all the uses for this sauce. It sounds (and looks, in my opinion) incredible.

Maryea {Happy Healthy Mama}

What an amazing sauce! And for Nitasha; what a beautiful description of your mother’s recipe. I will def be making that one soon!


It sounds lovely, and honestly, not bland-looking to me – those bits of green definitely have the promise of good flavours!

leaf (the indolent cook)

I have been looking for a beautiful mortar and pestle. Yours is great. I would love to know where it came from if you don’t mind sharing. Thanks!


    I’ve had this one so long I can’t remember exactly where I bought it – Williams Sonoma usually has them, I think!

    Heidi Swanson

Oh I love the different ways you use this- I’m sure it adds such a great flavor!

Simply Life

Whoo hoo! A recipe that I can make here in Cambodia, where many ingredients are either hard to come by or kind of expensive! I cannot wait to make this.


I am looking forward to making this this weekend. I am sure that it will be amazing on an unda-style quesadilla with a small amount of cheese! However, there are many other ways to use it which is why I am going to make an entire batch of it.

Kelsey Lane Smith

@Nitasha – I love your fish recommendation. Can’t wait to try it out.


This sounds DELISH. I’m Indian (from India) and growing up, my mom made a sauce VERY similar to this. A little more coconut milk, more salt, grated ginger, and waaaaay more heat- with the seeds and ribs and all, these were the things she added to the recipe you have posted. Want to know what she used this sauce for, and simply the most divine way to use it? Over FISH. Simply get some fresh fish, any white fish or salmon fillets will do. Preheat the oven to 375. In a baking dish, with a heavy hand, butter the whole dish. Butter is delicious in this and compliments the coconut milk – trust me, I grew up with this stuff. Layer your fish in an even layer, I use about 2 pounds. Sprinkle some salt on the fish, and add another dab of butter to all pieces of the fish. Then, drowned your fish in the sauce. All 2 1/2 cups of it. Trust me on this. Let it cook until the fish is cooked thru, and is bubby. This will not be a dish that gets golden brown and crispy on top. While the fish is cooking, cook up some basmati rice- according to instructions. Get a large plate, mound your plate with steaming rice, add a piece of fish or two on top, and drizzle fish/rice with the sauce. Can I tell you how amazing?! It’s a staple in our home. My 5 and 2 year old, and my picky blonde haired- blue eyed- meat- potatoes- canned green bean lovin’ husband adores this and asks for it often. So do my kids! Enjoy!


Oh wow. I want a big spoonful of this just as is. Delicious. I have a last bunch of ramps in my fridge that I might just have to use here to replace scallions. Thanks for the inspiration!

Mei-I @ Gastronomic Nomad

I love coconut milk for making sauces but it is so fatty, shame.
And I always use olive oil, of course I am spanish.


What a lovely idea for a sauce. I love the mix of coconut and citrus. Great list of ways to use it too. Lots of inspiration 🙂


Oh I am so defintiely going to make this sauce! Sounds divine….and I think I’ll try it first with some home made pork burgers.
By the way Heidi, how long will the sauce keep for?


    I try to finish mine up over 5-6 days.

    Heidi Swanson

Lucky that I have room in my heart for two spicy lemony sauces, because I can’t stop making the harissa sauce from your SNED broccoli salad. And now I have to try this too!


    That harissa sauce is hard to take a break from.

    Heidi Swanson

sounds like a great Spring sauce! thank you!


I’m gonna use this as a vegan substitute for tzatziki…sounds amazing!

Mike @TheIronYou

Wow! This looks delicious!
I’m sure the lemon compliments it very well!


Anything that involves coconut and citrus immediately grabs my attention. I’d love to use this sauce in a pita, to drizzel over a fritter or even put on a burger. Looks great and I bet it’s soothing, zesty and creamy. Hope you have a great weekend!

Julia {The Roasted Root}

Oh wow, this looks awesome! I love things like this – they take a simple dish to another level.


Since it is ramp season here in the Northeast, do you think they would substitute well for the scallions? I am gonna try it.


sunflower oil, coconut milk, lemon, oh this sounds delicious!
I’ve been re-reading your cookbook lately. And I had put it down for about 6 mos so some of the recipes are “new to me” all over again 🙂 love that.

Averie @ Averie Cooks

Delicious – I love this way of cooking where you have a big batch of something delicious in the fridge to shape the week’s meals. Bet this would be great with lime too. Maybe over sautéed squash as a complement to the sweetness from the squash?
p.s just heading home after a week in San Francisco – I can see why all the amazing citrus fruit here is such an inspiration in your kitchen Heidi!


    Hope you enjoyed your visit Sophie.

    Heidi Swanson

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